Alright, so I have downloaded both .Net Framwork 2 & 3.5 eventhough I don't need to since I'm running Windows Vista Ultimate. Also, I downloaded and extacted the Library Files. Still I have problem running the AU3.3, Igloo, and Job Doer. No problem logging in the Auth part, but when it comes to Neopets Acc. it LAG so bad. After logged in, running the actual prog is still the same, LAG LAG LAG. Esp. Job Doer, and always get an error. Anyway, I been talking to Heya and was told it could be a wrapper problem, somehow its not running properly in my computer. I talked to expon and was told that the security is blocking the programs. I turned off, my firewall already and still won't work properly. THE ONLY program that I manage to get it to work in my computer is Auto Pricer from Ricky. Now, I'm thinking that, it could be my browser blocking the requests from the wrapper. Or my computer security, but I don't know how to check if I still have the security on or which program is blocking it, since I don't actually have an antivirus prog Could it be Windows Defender? or What? Thanks Guys
I don't know if Heya is using the same wrapper as me but I think he is. But just to be sure, I made this simple program. Try it and let me know what is the result. after clicking login, you'll receive a popup with the result. If you receive "logged in as *np user*" than it's working and you'll know that it's heya's code the problem. I'm not saying his code is wrong but maybe some part of it is not correctly handled by vista. I just tested it and you should receive a reply within 5 seconds. *note, use your neopets user/pass, not As far as I know, this wrapper is using the default port for internet connection (80) so if you can browse without problem, it should be fine. Anyway, test this and let me know.
Thanks alot... Alright, I just tried the prog... After I clicked logged in, the prog when into (not responding) for about 30 sec, and eventually it logged in, took about 1minute and a bit. Is that mean something wrong? Its like that with Heya prog also; went into (not responding) mode for awhile. Also, I was told that he use mysticals wrapper
That's odd... unless you're running a pentium 300mhz witch you bought 25 years ago, I don't see why it could be THAT slow. The things I can see: 1- Windows firewall - can be disabled throught network connection. 2- Router firewall - highly doubt it. Your internet browser would be uber slow. 3- Antivirus/Antispyware - you don't have one so... 4- Spyware/Virus - Maybe it's time for option #3 Didn't found any issue regarding windows defender causing slow internet speed. Finally, maybe you should take this test to give us an idea of your connection: Just for fun, I tried this test using the connection at work and got killer numbers: Keep us updated.
oh my god that is so quick!!!!!!!!!! i'm on the best connection money can buy where i live and this is what mine looks like now i can understand 300 ms buy speeds
That's my speed. Shouldn't be that slow to run the prog. Additional Info: I'm using Wireless Connection My Computer Acer Aspire 4930 Intel Core2 Duo T5800 @ 2.00GHz 2.00GHz 2.00 GB Ram 32bit OS .... Is there a way to check if my router is blocking it?
-you have to log into your router. If you go on the manufacturer website, there will be all the information you need for this (not the same for all the router) -I'm a bit concerned about your wireless... Is there a way for you to try all this wired cause we're running out of option. -as for your system performance, don't see any problem.
wow. thourax, thats insane yours is like, 40 times better :O how? OMG, DANM. i can't believe that was PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE, lol
This is so annoying, I don't know what causes the prog to not work properly. i give up, just gonna refund the progs sorry for wasting your time guys and thanks alot :yup:
No time waste there... who knows, maybe someone is having the same problem as you and is happy to read this... (well, not really since we didn't find the problem, but you got the point...)