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Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by cardenal, Oct 19, 2007.

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  1. Villix

    Villix Newbie

    Oct 5, 2008
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    Pretty much everyone I know is gay ^^

    Some say nature some say nurture but I think at the end of the day it doesn't really matter gay is just another label. I don't think it's wrong in any way and when people preach the Bible at me I normally want to scream. In my opinion the majority of stigma about homosexuality comes from religions and take the bible for example the same passage that denounces homosexuality says you should be killed if you: divorce, remarry or work on Sundays. The bible is full of these little gems religious leaders just like to pick and choose.

    If I was gay I'd be rapped in a rainbow flag right now.
  2. ladytina317

    ladytina317 Newbie

    Oct 11, 2008
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    Alot of my friends are gay or bisexual..making me bi-curious. I don't really care, if you love someone that loves you back, that's all that matters. :)
  3. Parisdirt1

    Parisdirt1 Level III

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Is it just me or is it people like this that make you loose faith in humanity. If you honestly believe it is a choice, you are just ignorant and I pity you. If you like or think you like the same sex, you probably always have.

    Everyone person should have the same rights no matter what sex they like. Homosexuality is a part of life and shouldn't be as controversial as it is. But you have people who can't except it and you have to world we live in today. We are getting there slowing, but surely one day where this won't be as big of a deal as it is now and just another thing in life.

  4. MCheezie

    MCheezie Level IV

    Nov 24, 2006
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    Unless you are homosexual yourself then you don't know whether someone is "born gay" or if it is a choice.
  5. MissAshlee

    MissAshlee Newbie

    Oct 17, 2008
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    I dont think there is anything wrong with being gay.
    If you ask me love is love. :)
  6. GhettoNeopet

    GhettoNeopet Level II

    Oct 18, 2008
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    It is sacrilegious. I do not support it.
    However, I hate people that pick on people and bully people because they choose to be 'gay'.
    One of my best friends is a lesbian and she's a top chick. I hate people that are so intolerant to the point that they want to physically hurt people that choose to be gay.
    Also, Faces In The Hall (by Gym Class Heroes) is one of my favourite songs of all time and it still makes me angry, every time I hear it.
  7. annoymus

    annoymus Level II

    Oct 2, 2008
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    I don't think gay is right, but i dont support violence against them.

    So long as they are bothering no one, we should make it legal.
  8. Fendi

    Fendi Level IV

    Apr 9, 2007
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    Amy Winehouse's Beehive
    Are you serious? Not supporting violence against gays sort of goes without saying if you are even a half decent human being. I've heard this argument so many times and the same 2 things always come up.

    Religion and pretty much only Christianity.

    For some reason a lot of people in this group "know" being gay is a choice. If your not gay and science has proven time and time again it's not a choice why do you still constantly use "it's a choice" to back up your arguments? Passing off a disproved opinion as fact really doesn't make you look smart.
    The book of Leviticus is where the line saying two men lying with each other is an abomination is. I'd just like to point out that Jesus lies with a disciple but lets not get into that. The whole bible says nothing about lesbians. It's been suggested that the "two men lying with each other" line actually condemns male prostitution. The same book condemns working on Sundays, divorce and remarriage and states that the punishment for all of those acts is stoning to death. And here is my final point the bible says women should be treated like property & slavery is fine if we followed the Bible down to every letter we would still be living in biblical times. We have advanced but the bible hasn't. Plus if we followed the bible to every letter we would be living in a very confused world as it constantly contradicts itself. The bible was written by man not God so the prejudices and intolerance of that long ago time are weaved into the bible but really don't need to be brought into modern life.

    The other strange line that seems to crop up a lot is "they are OK if they aren't bothering anyone"... Christians should take this advice. You have the freedom to practise your religion but don't preach hatred against groups. Can you imagine if you traded gays with blacks in this situation and the church preached hate against black people. There would be uproar! Christians are involving themselves in everyone's lives and church and state has never been truly separated all I have to say is butt the fuxx out! They are your beliefs and have them but don't force them on someone else. And don't pretend to be a loving religion when all you seem to do is attack people. Oh and how does a gay bother someone? By hitting on someone? Because no gay man is going to look twice at the average straight man.
  9. skier101

    skier101 Level I

    Oct 14, 2008
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    you have a strong argument but overall i think there is nothing wrong with homosexuality, if your born like that you cannot do anything about it and it doesnt bother us so it should be legal and everyone should stop making such a commocion
  10. MCheezie

    MCheezie Level IV

    Nov 24, 2006
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    It's so nice to see that not everyone is a complete moron. Like I have said I have been doing a lot of research on this topic for a long period of time(it's an on and off sort of thing).

    Homosexuality is mentioned three times in the Bible. Once in Leviticus, its described in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, and Paul addresses is in one of his letters to the church. In the next paragraph I will describe why I can discount all three.

    First of all, the Leviticus one is pretty easy to steer away from. The verse says the famous line..."homosexuality is an abomination." However, in the verses directly before it and below it, there are also some astounding rules mentioned. The rule that men should not cut their hair, and the guidelines for how to sell your daugthers into slavery to repay debts, are just some of the rules that are talked about. I think most modern day christians have decided that the book of Leviticus is a bit outdated and don't obey most, if not all of the rules listed in its passages. Then why is the homosexuality one not thrown out as well? I proceed to throw it out. Also, the Bible has been translated and re-written so many times, who knows what were originally in these passages anyway.

    Next, the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. As people know, two angels came to visit Lot. The men of the city surounded Lot's house and demanded that Lot bring forth the Angels, who appeared as men, to be brought out into the square so that the men of the city could "have their way" with them. Lot pleaded with the men to stop, even offered them his own daughters (a sin unto itself) but the men refused to listen. So.......thats the story, and most Christians today have taken that to mean the S&G was destroyed due to its homosexual ways. However, the Bible says quite clearly that S&G was "destroyed for its PRIDE." Nowhere does it say homosexuality. If you think about the story, do you think it is necessarily the fact that they wanted to have homosexual relations.....or was it sinful that they all wanted to gang-rape these two male visitors in the middle of the street. You can draw your conlcusions, but I would venture to say that the issue of homosexuality was not the reason the city was destroyed, but the other reasons listed above.

    Third, Paul's letters to the church. As Joey said on the group's wall, Pauls exact words are that "a man shall not lay with another man, as a man lays with another women." Seems straightforward at first. But historians have pulled the old Latin and Arabic texts and found that the word that Paul used (I can't remember the exact Latin word) was a word that in fact meant, "sex with underage boys." Now, young, teenage male prositutes was a major problem during Paul's time. And it is my belief that this is the issue he was trying to address, sex with underage people. Throughout the years the message has been mis-interpreted (maybe intentially) to just refer to the act as homosexualty, rather than sex with underage boys. Of course, as I have said earlier, Homosexual sex is not different than Hetersexual sex in that rape, and having sex with kids is completly an abomination.

    So, there are my three points about the Bible. But lets think about this logically for a second. If God hates homosexuality, then it would seem that there would be NO signs of it in nature or in animals. That is not the case. Actually one of the oldest couples in captivity right now are two male penguins, closely followed by two male Giraffes. There are some monkeys in Africa, whose males can withrawl their genitals to allow for a hole for other males to penetrate. Scientists really do beleive that it is a form of "practicing." So, its found in nature, and it is not harmful to anyone, it is done between two consenting adults.......I am struggling to find the connection here. Many christians think that if you legalize homosexuality, then it is not long before peopel want to have sex with their dogs! Well, ask your dog the difference between consensal sex between adults, and raping a dog, I bet he can tell you. One of the biggest things for me is that Jesus Christ NEVER mentioned it during his walk on this earth. If homosexuality is such a terrible sin and abomination, don't you think he would have mentioned it?

    I think that is about as brief of an explanation I have for the topic of Homosexuality and the Bible. Besides the thousands of scientists and teachers who believe homosexuality to be a naturally occuring gene, millions of people also believe it. Talking with a homosexual, they will always tell you that it is not something they "chose" but rather something that they are. My hope is that one day the teachings of Jesus such as "love thy neighbor as thyself," and "treat others as you wish to be treated," will be in full swing in regards to homosexuals. It is my honest beleif that if Jesus were here now, he would have no problems with Homosexuals, but rather he would be outraged at our civilization's judgemental attitudes and lack of love and compassion.
    Fendi likes this.
  11. Fendi

    Fendi Level IV

    Apr 9, 2007
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    Amy Winehouse's Beehive
    That is exactly what I wanted to write but clearly you are far more eloquent than me =] With the story of S&G doesn't the Bible actually state that the city is destroyed because they would not repent even when God was ripping the crap out of their city? So the pride vs. gay issue shouldn't really be a debate it's pretty set in stone. I mixed my Leviticus with my Paul xD I've heard a lot of people saying it was to do with male prostitution but I'm guessing your version underage boys is probably more well researched xD I shall be taking lines from what you have written and hurling them at bigots xD I find it shocking when arguing with most Christians who do think homosexuality is wrong I know more of the bible than them.
  12. GhettoNeopet

    GhettoNeopet Level II

    Oct 18, 2008
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    I still think it is wrong. How do we preserve the human race if it is full of homosexuals?
  13. MCheezie

    MCheezie Level IV

    Nov 24, 2006
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    Not everyone is homosexual. That is obvious. I can't see everyone being homosexual in the future, and I am pretty sure that's a well known assumption. There will always be enough heterosexual population to keep our population healthy.

    I understand what you're saying. Most people who try and argue points about homosexuality know nothing about it or the bible and they make references to things that aren't true or don't even exist. It's really annoying and just makes them look like a moron so I don't stress over it. I have very very strong beliefs and NO ONE can change my views.
  14. GhettoNeopet

    GhettoNeopet Level II

    Oct 18, 2008
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    Obviously not everyone is homosexual, but I am trying to say, what if the majority of the population was homosexual. Would you still be supportive of it? It is a risk to the human population, that is my point.
  15. MCheezie

    MCheezie Level IV

    Nov 24, 2006
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    Of course I would. I don't think the majority of population is/will be homosexual. Too many people despise and hate it.
  16. Fendi

    Fendi Level IV

    Apr 9, 2007
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    Amy Winehouse's Beehive
    My views on this matter will never change I am gay and the whole self hating thing really isn't my style.

    GhettoNeopet the world is currently grossly overpopulated if there were gays in biblical times and now the world is overpopulated I think it's safe to say gay people are not a threat to humanity. Oh an before it's said in my opinion the amount of gay people in the world hasn't grown it's just become more acceptable so more people come out and are visible to the public.

    And another point I find it hysterical when people use the term "gay agenda" like we all plot against the straights xD
  17. MCheezie

    MCheezie Level IV

    Nov 24, 2006
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    Give America a few years, I believe American will be more acceptable to homosexuals.
  18. Fendi

    Fendi Level IV

    Apr 9, 2007
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    Amy Winehouse's Beehive
    I'm avidly following the news about Prop 8 in California ect. I live in the UK and at the moment I could have a civil ceremony. I would never get one though. I'd feel like I was supporting "equal but different". I find here to be quite tolerant with gay people. I wouldn't walk hand in hand down the street with a boyfriend though. My sister does (she's a lesbian xD I know what are the chances) Yeah my sister walks down the street holding her girlfriends hand. She just gets cheers from straight men where as I would probably have bottles thrown at me.
  19. MCheezie

    MCheezie Level IV

    Nov 24, 2006
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    Yeah the prop 8 in California, I don't think it will pass personally and I am hoping on it. I have sooo much to say about Prop 8 :p
  20. Fendi

    Fendi Level IV

    Apr 9, 2007
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    Amy Winehouse's Beehive
    Wait if it doesn't pass that means gay marriage is allowed in California right?
    I've watched the adverts and the yes on prop 8 people just make themselves look foolish resorting to scare tactics where the no on prop 8 people don't need to put any spin on the message because at the end of the day they are promoting equality and love. It should be a landslide though it obviously won't be. The day boards like this don't exist is the day gays are truly accepted. I doubt I will live to see the day when homosexuality isn't a debate. Though I suppose I'm asking to much because even though the black movement got rights racist people still exist. I guess you can never truly eradicate prejudice. I wish I could though... with a really really big gun xD Bwahahah I do have a gay agenda!
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