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Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by cardenal, Oct 19, 2007.

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  1. MCheezie

    MCheezie Level IV

    Nov 24, 2006
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    If Prop 8 passes that means no gay marriage in California. California has a highly diverse population so we shall just see what the outcome is.
  2. skier101

    skier101 Level I

    Oct 14, 2008
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    I dont really follow much of the us politics because i live in Canada but personally i have an uncle that is gay and that was the changing point in my life, if he wouldn't have been gay i think id be still with everyone else that doesn't open their eyes to see nothing is wrong with it. Up here though its less discriminative and most of the gay marriage outlaws weren't passed and it's almost settling.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I dont think it should be outlawed,but I think gay people should be allowed to be affectionate in public,,,mostly so kids dont see it.
  4. Fendi

    Fendi Level IV

    Apr 9, 2007
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    Amy Winehouse's Beehive
    I think this is the thing that is forever going to make homosexuality seem abnormal... children. Anything about gays cannot be taught in school otherwise the "gay agenda" is brainwashing children. TV has to be careful about gay story lines just in case children see it. The above poster things two men holding hands in the street needs to be shielded from children. I don't understand this... Children see straight couples kissing and holding hands but if they see gay couples doing so they will... be warped for life? If the next generation doesn't know what gay people are until they are 13+ then they are going to think it's abnormal as well it's just a big cycle.
  5. MCheezie

    MCheezie Level IV

    Nov 24, 2006
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    And this is what we've been fighting for. Just because a couple is homosexual they can't display affection? Homosexual couples should have the same rights as everyone else, is that so wrong? I don't think it's asking for a huge favor, it's just asking for everyone to have the same rights.
  6. LukasXPhreeze

    LukasXPhreeze Newbie

    Oct 19, 2008
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    I don't think homosexuality is a bad thing. It's basically the same as heterosexuality the only difference being genders are the same
  7. dee123123

    dee123123 Level II

    Oct 18, 2008
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    So what states again allow same-sex marriages? It seems that more and more are allowing them.
  8. Fendi

    Fendi Level IV

    Apr 9, 2007
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    Amy Winehouse's Beehive
    Massachusetts, California & Connecticut allow Gay Marriage.

    Vermont, New Jersey & New Hampshire have "legal unions" which offer all the rights and responsibilities of same sex marriage but the don't call these "legal unions" marriage.

    Maine, Hawaii, the District of Columbia, Oregon and Washington have "legal unions" which offer some of the rights given to opposite sex couples.

    Twenty-six states have constitutional amendments explicitly barring the recognition of same-sex marriage.

    Belgium, Canada, Netherlands, Norway (soon), South Africa & Spain all recognise same sex marriage

    Andorra, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom & Uruguay have civil unions/domestic partnerships.

    And then there are places in lots of other countries where it is recognised.
  9. dee123123

    dee123123 Level II

    Oct 18, 2008
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    So who's voting NO on prop 8? I've seen many groups saying no and I was surprised when I saw a group saying yes...
  10. Fendi

    Fendi Level IV

    Apr 9, 2007
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    Amy Winehouse's Beehive
    What do you mean organisations or people? A whole lot of celebrities have put their name to no on prop 8 pretty much the whole of Hollywood even Arnie the governor (who is a republican) and so have a lot of big companies like Apple. The only yes on prop 8 people I know of who are "famous" are Sarah Palin and Mormons... I know what side I'd rather be on.
  11. saralee33

    saralee33 Level I

    Jun 14, 2008
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    What happens in the bedroom should stay in the bedroom. Everything else is relative.
  12. vince

    vince Newbie

    Nov 2, 2008
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    Right this is a big issue for me.
    I'm bisexual, but I have a fiancee who I've been with for 7 years.
    But I still class myself as bisexual because I have a big eye for men, and to be honest I act very gay, lmao.
    But when I tell people that I'm bisexual, it always freaks them out because I have had a girlfriend for so long, and they seem to think that because I like men I should JUST like men.
    But it's wrong! I should be able to like whoever I want to like - not be bound by some categoric stereotype. ¬_¬
  13. muro

    muro Level II

    Jan 13, 2007
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    It's funny how people have the need to label and categorize everything..

    I find being bisexual a privilege. While most people only have a little over 3 billion fish in the sea I have nearly 7 billion :D
    A bigger problem for me has always been my gender. Or more like the lack of it.
    Biologically I'm a female but I never got into 'being a girl'. It was more or less forced on me, thanks to peer pressure. I can relate to both boys and girls, hetero or homo. Sometimes I like to crossdress and fool people just for the fun of it, then sometimes I hit the girly-girl high heels frills and skirts-phase. I doubt I'd be much different if I had born a boy.

    In my eyes pretty much every kind of masculine or feminine behavior seems amusingly stereotypical and always makes me wonder if they notice it themselves. In other people's eyes... I don't know what they think of me and don't really care. I've had enough of all the paranoia and pleasing others.

    Needed to vent a little lol.

    If I ever decided to marry a woman I'd really appreciate not having hordes of ignorant people going against us. Hearing some saying that homosexual relationship is wrong or disgusting really depresses and insults me. Why can't people just mind their own businesses?
  14. vince

    vince Newbie

    Nov 2, 2008
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    I agree with what you're saying there - I never really fit in with either gender. Too female for the males and too male for the females. xD

    And if I would've ended up in a homosexual relationship, I would've shouted it loud and proud. Any attention is good attention ;)
  15. muro

    muro Level II

    Jan 13, 2007
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    Oh splendid, Prop 8 passed.

    Can you name any other sensible reason to be against gay marriage other than religion?
    And religion and legistlation don't mix. Shouldn't mix.
  16. Commy

    Commy Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    I'm not for prop 8, but here's a reason. The right to marry was traditionally granted to men and women, excluding those who define themselves as homosexual, intersex, or other. But if financial and social benefits are given to those who choose to marry, what of those who want to remain single? People who choose to remain single or independent are not encouraged or supported in their right by our social and legal systems. Benefits provided by tax relief or other mechanisms for "normal" families are pretty big. Although single people live on a single income, they are pressured by general world values to marry or form permanent unions with somebody. So theyre socially and economically disadvantaged.
    So perhaps a fairer way should be that everybody is treated equally, regardless of their union with somebody.
  17. zergses

    zergses Level II

    Jun 23, 2007
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    Sydney, Australia

    exactly, marriage is a product of the church so i dont see why they'd want to be "married" by the same organization that has discriminated against them for many years. I believe that gays should be granted the same rights as hetrosexual couples via the use of a civil ceremony, which is completely seperate from the church. I understand that there will be a few people that say "but thats still not the same" and to that i argue that in time im sure some churches will eventually accept gay marrage, but it all has to start somewhere.
  18. gaspanior

    gaspanior Level I

    Oct 3, 2008
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    I agree with Ivert. And being gay myself, I wouldn't want the whole wedding thing. Me personally I just want something binding saying that my partner are indeed binded. If that makes sense. And nowadays there are gay churches... So if there are gay churches I think that in time gay couples may start getting married in them. It took 43 other presidents to see the first african american one, I don't think they gay movement is just going to shoot off. It will all take time and that's something people don't understand.
  19. rarehunternick

    rarehunternick Level II

    Mar 18, 2007
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    Ok...i'm just gonna put in a few things.

    1) I am glad that Prop 8 passed. Personally and religiously, a marriage should be between a man and a woman. I also don't think that being taught 'gay' marriages in school would be appropriate especially for younger students because this would also encourage the younglings to take the idea and eventually grow with it that can later devastate America. I also believe that the homosexuals aren't being tolerant because they are trying to redefine marriage for everyone in the state which isn't fair to religious people and the churches.

    2) I have nothing against the homosexuals. They can love each other and be partners, but personally i don't think that they should get the same benefits as the married couples...too much problems.

    3) Now, gaspanior stated that it took 43 presidents before the 1st african-american office. The only reason why he won is because of a few reasons. First, people are mad at the republicans and president bush and felt that the need of democrats were needed. Personally, its not President Bush's fault since his laws has to be approve by congress/house/senate. Another reason why that Barack Obama won is because, well i hate to say it, the race card...sadly. I'm not gonna argue that ok he wants to promote change, but i think he is more talk then anything else....and that the political systems will have another battle in 4 years with re-election depending on how well he does.
  20. Fendi

    Fendi Level IV

    Apr 9, 2007
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    Amy Winehouse's Beehive
    1) I am glad that Prop 8 passed. Personally and religiously, a marriage should be between a man and a woman. I also don't think that being taught 'gay' marriages in school would be appropriate especially for younger students because this would also encourage the younglings to take the idea and eventually grow with it that can later devastate America. I also believe that the homosexuals aren't being tolerant because they are trying to redefine marriage for everyone in the state which isn't fair to religious people and the churches.

    1) Religion has nothing to do with the marriage of gay people it's up to them if they don't want to marry gays but church and state are supposed to be separate so gays could have equal rights without interfering with religion by getting a state marriage. You cannot be taught to be gay just like you cannot be taught to be straight. The children being taught in school thing was a scare tactic in the states that have gay marriage the education system hasn't changed because of it... There was no truth in that at all and time and time again government officials said that but obviously people are to idiotic to listen. Marriage isn't owned by the church it predates Christianity Gay people aren't asking for the church to change their beliefs they want state marriages so they can have equal rights. The church on the other hand isn't being tolerant because they are getting involved in an issue that actually has NOTHING to do with them.

    2) I have nothing against the homosexuals. They can love each other and be partners, but personally i don't think that they should get the same benefits as the married couples...too much problems.

    2) Don't say you have nothing against homosexuals and then say you think they should be treated as second class citizens if your going to be bigoted at least be honest about it.

    3) Now, gaspanior stated that it took 43 presidents before the 1st african-american office. The only reason why he won is because of a few reasons. First, people are mad at the republicans and president bush and felt that the need of democrats were needed. Personally, its not President Bush's fault since his laws has to be approve by congress/house/senate. Another reason why that Barack Obama won is because, well i hate to say it, the race card...sadly. I'm not gonna argue that ok he wants to promote change, but i think he is more talk then anything else....and that the political systems will have another battle in 4 years with re-election depending on how well he does.

    He has good economic, healthcare & education plans and is eloquent and articulate. For every vote he got for being black McCain will of got 2 for not being black. It wasn't just Bush's fault but he sure messed up in spectacular fashion.

    Oh and Prop 8 still may not of passed only 506,000 votes separated Yes and No and there are 1.6 million leftover provisional and mail-in ballots to count.
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