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Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by cardenal, Oct 19, 2007.

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  1. muro

    muro Level II

    Jan 13, 2007
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    How is it intolerant from gay people to want the same equal rights that straight people have? Just because marriage has traditionally been this or that doesn't mean you can trample on other people's rights just to preserve it.

    What is so sacred about marriage anyway? Surely it's a nice event to remember for years, and it holds many benefits for the couple. But would it really be that horrifying to see two men or women walk down the aisle? Or is it just about opposing every legistlation that makes homosexuals more equal citizens?

    Surely not all of the gay couples want to be wed just like some straight couples. But it doesn't mean there shouldn't be that option available for those who want to get married. I know many gay people who are religious even though the church might disagree with their lifestyle.
  2. dee123123

    dee123123 Level II

    Oct 18, 2008
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    I don't think you'll be trampling over other people's rights by having the same rights as they do. How does it hurt a married couple to have a gay couple marry too? Does it make the married couple's marriage any less significant? I don't really think so.
  3. Virre

    Virre Level IV

    Nov 30, 2006
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    I can see how gay marriage can be tricky for a religious point of view, but by excluding homosexuals from having the right to marry, you're also invading on their religious views.
    A marriage is not the same as it used to be, it's a partnership regarding two persons' benefits, taxes, property etc. For many people, it's also of course an act of love, but why would you want to deny this feeling for people only because of their gender?
    I don't see how it could "devestate America" (or any other country). When ancient Greece flourished the most, there were many sexual relations between the same gender.
    It's not about encouraging young people just to "switch" their sexual relations, it's about letting them know that there's nothing wrong with being attracted to whichever gender they are attracted to.
    So how would this whole thing devestate America or any other part of the world?

    You're quite correct, there are many problems you encounter when you try to give a large group of people more rights. But everyone should be willing to pay that small price since they would have wanted the same if they were in a different situation.
    What if it would have been only homosexuals that had gotten these rights, how would you have felt? Excluded?
    Rights should be equal for all human beings, otherwise we can just go back to letting a few thousand rich white males being allowed to vote across the world.
  4. MCheezie

    MCheezie Level IV

    Nov 24, 2006
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    Just to clarify Prop 8 has NOTHING to do with homosexuality or same sex marriage being taught in schools.

    How could you say that? You just said you didn't want homosexuals to have the same rights as heterosexuals. Prop 8 was trying to take our equal rights, you know what we are promised in this country?
  5. Blulightning

    Blulightning Level I

    Nov 12, 2008
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    I'm all for same sex marriages, gay rights, etc. Who are we to tell someone, "You can't marry this person." If we're all equal, how can we deny them that right?
  6. creatinetaker

    creatinetaker Level II

    Nov 16, 2008
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    homosexuality should not be a crime nor should it be wrong. People do judge homosexuals, but they should not discriminate against them. I believe homosexuality is based on nature, spefically genes. I would feel comfortable with people telling me that i am gay. I guess i am accustomed to living around and in a gay environment.
  7. Hapinasu1

    Hapinasu1 Newbie

    Nov 17, 2008
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    First of all, I have one thing to say. I hate the word GAY! Just for a couple of reasons. Gay has become the word "Stupid" but it also retains it true meaning as "Homosexual", I really don't understand this. Now let's put this into proportion, When people say "That's so gay" you think of it as something stupid or silly, but if someone says "That's so straight" then you go huh? Also, in schools if someone comes out and says they're gay then they will get pretty much destroyed and made fun of. But if anyone says they're straight then no one really cares.

    Homosexuality is A.O.K with me and really should be for anyone else. It is not up to other people, but to yourself and you don't chose to be it. Religion, just ignore it, god created you that way. If he created you that way and he thinks of you as a sin, then why the hell are we following that religion anyway?

    My point: Just be yourself.
  8. Blulightning

    Blulightning Level I

    Nov 12, 2008
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    I COMPLETELY agree. Lol my friends at Oblerland say that loads of people, instead of saying thats so gay, say thats SO hederosexual when somethings sterotypical :p
  9. Angel

    Angel Level III

    Nov 2, 2006
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    In my own personal beliefs, being gay/bi/lesbian is perfectly fine.
    If it really was such a bad sin, god should of probably made an 11th commandment to get his point across... :lol:

    Some gay/bi/lesbians are also religious so.... maybe that is why?
  10. Fendi

    Fendi Level IV

    Apr 9, 2007
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    Amy Winehouse's Beehive
    Marriage is not a product of the church christian marriage is but marriage as a concept predates christianity. You can have civil marriages that do not include God that is what gay people want unless they are religious in which case some churches don't disagree with gay marriage.

    The passing of prop 8 is being looked at by the supreme court.
  11. MCheezie

    MCheezie Level IV

    Nov 24, 2006
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    There are far too many hateful and close minded people in this country. I fear Prop 8 will pass.
  12. incendia

    incendia Level I

    Nov 23, 2008
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    & it did... *insert expletive here*

    My opinion as an agnostic is that if God created everything here somehow he also created homosexuals as well as homosexual animals. See http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/07/0722_040722_gayanimal.html

    I grew up going to Church & I have to say it instilled good values in me but I stopped attending church because of hypocrisy. I believe more people would attend and seek help from the Church in many different ways if they weren't as judgmental as they have seemed to be so far.

    I believe that any Christian that has voted *against* gay marriage *did not* do what Jesus would've done. From what I learned in Church Jesus believed in something called free will, and I believe that free will covers our right to love who we love and be as recognized for that by the state in the same way a heterosexual marriage is.
  13. JAM

    JAM Newbie

    Nov 23, 2008
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    Ok homosexuality is a choice. Animals do not have homosexual tendencies-they have domination tendencies. When a dog mounts another dog it is not for pleasure---but to enforce his domination. My belief is really simple. I do not mind that homosexual have rights to a legal form of union, but I do not wish for them to call it marriage. Can anyone explain why they want to name it marriage? Give all the rights to the gay community they want, but to challenge the religious people by using their terminology is just asking for such debates. I guarantee you that if they asked for civil union vs "marriage" the majority of the people would give them such rights. My final conclusion to this Prop8 proposal is-----choose a different word to get the results you want.
  14. incendia

    incendia Level I

    Nov 23, 2008
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    Why, as a non-Christian, does the government still allow me to get married even though it has been posted numerous times on this topic that marriage is only for Christians.

    A Satanist can still get married under United States Law but a homosexual can't.

    Also, why aren't Republicans working on laws easier to implement like stopping sexual predators from being able to get married or sign a birth certificate. Rapists don't deserve rights and we've already got databases keeping track of all of them. I would vote to keep child molesters and rapists from being around children.
  15. Fendi

    Fendi Level IV

    Apr 9, 2007
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    Amy Winehouse's Beehive
    All people who are against homosexuality seem to think that homosexuality is a choice... it's kind of puzzling how they come to this conclusion since they aren't homosexual so don't have first hand knowledge and pretty much all scientific research states it's not a choice but of course their opinion which conflicts with all intelligence is fact. Even if it is a choice no ones religious views should be able to discriminate against a minority. America was founded on church being separated from state and you can have a state marriage which is what gay people want. Christianity doesn't own the word marriage it's a concept a civil ceremony firstly doesn't give all the rights marriage does and secondly treats one minority different from the majority. When black people had to drink from different water fountains that was separate but equal you get water but the issue is your being treated differently. With civil ceremonies even if you get equal rights under the law your still civil partners.
  16. dropkicka619

    dropkicka619 Newbie

    Nov 27, 2008
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    As far as Im concerned...its not the homosexuality piece of a person that bothers me. Its how they act.
    In other words, the same behavior that would irk me in a straight person irks me in a gay person. Ways people talk, ways they think, and ways they go about doing certain things. Ive just seen (in my own life) that gay people tend to be somewhat immature? Maybe its just me though. Im sure many arguments can be had about them actually being very mature to have come out of the closet...but I just dont see it. I see them trying very hard to be gay, and its just unnecessary. Straight people dont go advertising their heterosexuality...do they?
  17. incendia

    incendia Level I

    Nov 23, 2008
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    Fake people are fake people & that's all to be said about that.

    I don't believe Mellisa Etheridge or Wanda Sykes, who *just* let the public know she way gay formally, try to "act gay" very hard.

    If straight people don't want gay people to have parades they need to give them the exact same rights & treat them the exact same way. They're having the parades for a reason.
  18. Shyr

    Shyr Newbie

    Dec 15, 2008
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    People SO shouldn't be hassled about being gay. It's just a fact of life, some people are, and people who are against it, well, they can cry me a river, build a bridge and get OVER it.
  19. weldn

    weldn Level II

    Dec 7, 2008
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    it's okay ... since everyone should have a chance to choose
    but maybe not so natural,
    for homosexual means no real child,
    which seems odd to me.

    it's caused by nature i guess,
    from my knowledge, the genetic penetrance is probably higher than any factors.

    Finally, i guess if im a gay, i can tell it to the very close friends,
    but will never tell to family members or anyone else.
  20. dolltronic

    dolltronic Level I

    Dec 12, 2008
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    Love is love. That's all I have to say.
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