I just flew back from South Asia to CA, which is about a 42 hour trip with layovers. I think I maybe got three hours. Generally I can't go more than about 30 hours. I slept for almost an entire day after I got home.
lol i dont get why you guys all went so long without sleep. I mean i bet theoretically I could go for days without sleep, but we will never no for sure, since i choose to sleep, longest i've stayed up is like 20 hours, 17 of which i was working straight haha
Around 36 hours at most. However, even before the 24hr mark, I would start talking gibberish and feel drunk-ish...
I love to sleep! I really can not function without my 8 hours, and have a difficult time staying up for more then 24 (have done this only when absolutely nessecary)
Once I hit the 48 hour mark, I get past the sleepy stage and can stay up for a long time... However, I don't ever try to stay up for more than 20 hours at a time.
Yea i'm around 48 hrs mark too. Once you pass the sleepy stage, your body and mind enter an auto mode.
It actually all depends on what I'm doing. If there's something that's keeping me up, I can go on for days (well not exactly dayS, but more than a day). I'd say for me, an average of two days.