i have 15 accounts. just created 12 yesterday. i was afraid that i got iced so i must keep some spare.
I have 3 right now, and all legit...as of now, heh. I only use one, the other two are rotting right now until the pound comes back up.
I have only one...Used to have around 4 but forgot all of them XD...when I start ABing, Im sure to have more
Be carefull with that You dont want to get frozen For those reading this: I want to make some more accounts but i dont know what to name them. Any suggestions? I want a name thats an actual word
I have a couple but forgot most of the pw and emails they were linked too, so i only have my main now.
Back in my playing all the time days i had about 5 accounts all on different ips. One was made at my grandparents house and i would just AB on the other accounts and transfer items to that account. It was pretty handy Nowadays i only have one account