I have 2x 26month old accounts that i used to play with when i was younger.. now i use them strictly for ABing because neopets don't suspect these old accounts to cheat
i have 4 accounts that are all older than 25 mounths, because i didn't play for a year ...but now i use them again^^
I have 4.. 1 main, three sides.. and then on another computer all together I have one account that I use to AB
lol, I have 32. I went on a shell creating spree last year, made close to 100, but lost most when they were frozen the next day. Will let those 32 mature, slowly unloading them. Theyll be worth even more as I have a shop on each, and ab on as many as I can a day with the igloo.
I had 5 or 6, but I think one I got locked out of, and a couple others I forgot the Birthdates/passwords for them.
i have about 6. ones my main, the only cheats on that are for games occasionally. its pretty clean other than that. one is for storing non auto adopted pets, 2 are for solely auto adopting & storing and the last is for a mix of igloo abing & aaing.