i own 37k its easy making money in neopets if u do frebbies and stuff :maha: and go to auctions find things that are rare for cheap price9(=
Over the total life of my account I've made probably close to 100mil...maybe more like 80 or something... All but about 10mil of it is legit
Right now, I have about 120k, took me like 2 hours to get that on a newbie account, got chain iced earlier this morning.
dont feel bad xD it takes me like a whole week to get about 1m, so when I lost 16m I felt like crap. I guess thats where the fun part comes in, rebuilding :lol:
Ive got a little over 7m right now. Its all illegit =p I got most of it from scoresneding, and a little bit from abing.
I had made about 2 million in 3 weeks before I got iced =D Haha. now im down to zip/zilch because i dont have an account right now.