i haven't ever had more than 6 million ;_; man i'm pathetic. usually it's because i always find ways to get iced before i have a decent amount.
Back when I played without any hacking I reached a few million in the bank, and I certainly wasn't rich. I would say that you would need over a billion and a way to sustain it. Essentially, rich is when you have enough money to buy any luxuries you want (especially battledome equipment).
I agree with this, though a lot of items are even out of Adam's price range. The neo economy has gotten a little ridiculous. :nope:
I wish 1 million was rich. Then I'd be rich and a half, but sadly 1.5M can't afford much that I want.
Hmm, I consider anyone over 20mil rich. *nods* I used to have that much...but I blew it all trying to get an UC pet legit...now I'm starting from scratch.
I hang out on the BDC a lot, so my standards are pretty high.... 1.strong(or well painted(w/o lab ray!!)) pet 2.np's vary by age...i say anyone with a mil who is under 2 weeks is doing pretty well for themselves, where as someone with a mil after a year could be doing much better 3.items and overall achievements(legit high scores, trophies, avatars, stamps, site themes, bd set) 4.only 1 person is rich: if you're not munsterpoo, you're desperately poor haha
I am fully legit.......10m isn't possible, I will probably have to trade or buy NP just to get past 4m XD