abing means using an "autobuyer" to buy items from the main shop neo don't allow it as it's using a program instead of doing it yourself normally you get iced about 3 days after "abing" however sometimes it's a lot less, sometimes a lot more
I made 5 million in a weekend. But I have not ab'ed that hard since. Kinda scared of being frozen again so Im taking it easy.
I am waiting to get the main shop ABer, and so now I only have igloo. So I get about 10k a day. Pretty pathetic... So far I have 50k.
0np :lol: Had 25mil legit - frozen unfairly Earned 80mil in AB - all frozen edit: whoops about 1.2mil profit then (giveaways )
best ite ever abed iin almost 6 years is a pinata,(avatar one) oter than that all items range from 3-7k profit
i might not do autobuying because i care about my acc too much too risk it like that. i might do some game stuff though
yea me too tha bad thing is that is my second day with the Ab i dont want to think about my first month :lol:
nothing much really apart from A Mysterious Valentine's Card that's the best i've ever ABed from the igloo, if i get a super ABer or a main shop ABer then i'll probably get more and make more