i'm just coming back on to neopets for the summer days when its too hot to do anything else, so i have only 500 K i find it mind-boggling that some people have millions upon millions of neopoints, but i guess whatever effort you put in is how many neopoints you're going to get out. right?
i have 110k from scoresending, but the account is being reviewed :S i cant play legit anymore ive made about 1mil legit, but thats it
I had about 20-30mil (legit restocking) but both my accounts were frozen for no reason :O trying to get them back now though
only 15k atm. lmao I just bought a grey chomby that set me back. I'm tired of making nps. I'd just rather sell accounts xD
well looks like im up there i did have 16 million then i got into a mall and upgraded my shop and bout a ton of stock in codestones andmeds so im down to 6 million now.