i got about 20m i use to do those sponsor sites where u get like 70k a day for each account u got so id do for like 10 days with over 20 accounts and score about 14m in just about 10 days i never got transfering either lol anyone know what those sponsor sites are called that does all those sponsors at once that only take few minutes and u get like 50k+ on just 1 site?
O I have loads in total value. I think I'm around 15 mill and I haven't cheated at all. I want to access all those higher tier weapons in Battledome though, and I just don't have that much time to play.
About 2mil, not counting the millions I've spent on pets and items. All legit...kinda. (cough15accountscough)
About 5.5 mil in the stock market and about 4.5 mil in the bank and a ton of items probably worth about another 5 mil.
I made a new account about a week ago, rolling things real smoothly...SSing using the antiban list in the downloads section. Legitimately? 23k. From SSing and using other bugs? 100k. It's only been 3 days since I started abusing bugs and only 13 hours since I got my SSer.