I'm not too sure if anyone knows about this but here goes xD : 1.First open up notepad [Start - Programs - Accessories - Notepad] 2. Put the following into notepad div.ban,div#ban { display: none !important; } @-moz-document domain(neopets.com){ div#ban{display:none;} div#bottomban{display:none;} td.tl > object{display:none;} #mb + form{display:none !important;} } div.bottomban,div#bottomban { display: none !important; } 3. Save this file as neopets.css 4. Open up internet explorer (it may be different depending on your browser) go to tools then internet options. Click the accessibility button. 5.Check the box next to "Format documents using my style sheet", click Browse and select neopets.css in your files. 6. Click OK twice and reopen your browser If you did everything right(and if I typed everything out correctly) the top banner should be gone! "horray!" I hope it works =D
For firefox I suggest you use adblock, I'm pretty sure there's an adblock list that you can purchase in the forum store
Bye Ads I remember that from a long time ago. It helped alot before I made the switch from IE to Firefox.
I didn't try the ie css style sheet suggestion (because I use firefox most of the time). I'm just wondering, does that get rid of just the ad or does it actually get rid of that bar so that you have more of the content below showing? I use adblock for firefox & it doesn't load the ad itself, but you can still see the yellow banner.