Hehe i started thinking you were never gonna check back here. If you need any specific help feel free to pm me.
Heh I quit Runescape, i'm not sure if the 71 mill is correct but I have whatever 2 blue masks and a santa is worth.
99 fletching + 92 mage = how i made my money high alch is probably the best spell ever made. yeah, those were my stats. otherwise, merch.
dude sell those masks and santas on sythe.org, its like the black market of runescape and u can sell them for close to like 400$ real life money
Called merchanting. It's a decent way of getting money, as long as you have money to use (1M + preferrabely. Less on F2p). I'd suggest wc'ing willows or yews on f2p and picking flax for lower levels on p2p. If you're a higher level, making money is easy.
i've seen a purple phat sold on ebay at $1700 and ppl is bidding... if that's so my acc can make me $10k XD but i don ebay... cuz dunno how... gosh XD din really know some1 could spend 1.7k for pixel! XD
Woah..... Haha, the next Bill Gates "Sir how did you get your money?" "Dude, I had like, 2.3k party hats!"
Well if you want to pay to be a member, youll get a hack/spam/scam free world, plus many many more easier way to make money. I mine rune essesence and make trips to the bank depositing it until i get about 1000 of them, then sell them. pure ess sells for about 80 ea, reg ess sells for 20 ea. pure ess can only be mined by members. ither way its a VERY easy way to make money. and personally i buy pure ess from whoever wants to sell xD if you want a really good in depth guide on how to do this, google the words "runescpae ess mining and selling guide" and youll be set =]
i collect big bones and have people work for me. once you get about 400k g you can hire people to get you 1000 big bones in exchange for fullrune. you end up with about a 100k g profit. i found a guide about making money a while ago, i usually use methods from that.
Well to start off a good way is to woodcut, upto magics where you can alch them for tons of money (if your a mem)
Well, I used to lure. My way to make money was run nature runes, law runes and restock bronze arrows from the arrow shop in varrock when I was f2p. I later went and got 70 fletching made yew longs alched or sold and then went on to rcing nats for myself. Another way is merching. I used to merchant pray pots by buying 8k sell 9k but no one sells 8k anymore. I also safekept 3 mask sets 1 phat set and 2 santas which I had on my old old old account and sold them for like 100m total (like 2 years ago).