Yup by ttothejay.... He wanted to buy 3mil...I sent it to him and then he instintly got offline .. I want my $15 :K
If this just happened give it at least a day before you go around accusing someone of scamming because other things may be a factor as to why he went offline. While you're waiting get all your PMs and convos together to send to a Mod for review.
Yah I agree with grapefruit I thought someone I was trading with scammedme but the next day I got my items that I paid for the previous day
I have traded with him a lot of time and i have never ever encountered a problem with him.. As grape fruit said pls wait sometime..Have you sent him a pm??? Is it still in your outbox or has it moved to sent items??
more info please, was the trade on msn? You got screenshots of the np being sent? I'll pm him now Edit: if it was msn, what email did you have contact with? Chat screenshots etc please
But 3 million is quite a lot. You should always use a middleman. And if you look at it that lightly, why did you make this thread?
I meant it in a way...as to why would he scam for 3mill...why didnt he try to get someone to sell him over that.
No he hasn't, not since the last messages I've got it sorted, shall hopefully resolve this peacefully
ug... i have a felling its the same guy that scammed me... Its the exact same pattern. They work up to level 1, make a few trades, then make a few mil deal, and leave and never come back. I was scammed out of 4 mil. I firgured its only 4 mil, no need for a middle man, Well... I was proven wrong. The prob;em is the guy that got me could come back and keep doing it, as i feared when it happened to me, cause its very possible. There's no way to prevent it.
^^^^^ Same thing i said...just 3mill...i didnt feel the need for a middle man...since he had 8 trade rep :K
The issue with this IMO is that if he is a scammer (we are all assuming here... lets not) That he had the option to take OVER 10mil. yet he choose 3mil. Now for that reason I think it may just be some innocent mistake on someones behalf and a simple communications message will solve it all time to just wait for him to reply. And remember guys, innocent until proven guilty!