Another quick thought, when the guy who scammed Heya worked his itrader up what was he purchasing? Was it cheap things like shells or low amounts of NP? Maybe (just maybe) we should be more specific with what we purchased when leaving itrader feedback. That way we can see the amount of money being tossed around "pre-scam". Might help people feel more comfortable. If someone happened to get say, 8 positive itrader and it's all blatantly low cost stuff, then maybe it would throw up a flag and people would use a middleman. Again, just a thought.
I have only used a middleman once, it's not always the most convenient thing. So far, I have been very lucky! *knocks on wood*
^^ I have only been restocking to buy christmas gifts for my fiancee soon...Im trying to get to my 20mill goal...but this is a BIG setback
Off topic question, how did your rep get so low? lol And yeah, I'm selling some NP to make some christmas money as well.
Exactly SoC <3 One time my internet connection exploded as I was trading. I freaked out but the person did not get suspicious of me. Things happen.
Have you contacted him and talked with him? Sometimes, it's just something ya'll haven't talked about and sorted out, and you just get mad. It happens a lot with trades, and sometimes, you have to be patient with the other guy. Give him a few days to make it up...and just kinda poke them in the back with some reminders.
Could it be that PayPal had some issues? Or he did not know how to use PayPal and did it wrongly? Idk, just thinking of possibilities :S
I dealt with him, he is a kid, I'd just give him some time he may have gotten kicked off line, when I dealt with him, he seemed very nice and what not. I have his msn I'll try to get in touch with him and such. But yeah just give him some time he seemed pretty trustworthy when he took 5mill from me first then paid me xD