too bad neopets has 0 proof you use a program. its absolutely impossible to 100% proove it. they cant proove anything that will hold up in court. even if they say, our evidence says here you were online 50 hours straight restocking r.99s, you say "so what"
LoL "so what?" LoL They have absolutely no good reasons to charge that much monetary penalty on anyone. BTW, i am using lots of these programs now, but do they really have the time to take a visit to me here in Taipei? I doubt that.
Lol Court: "And what harm did they do to anyone?" Them: "Uhm, other people couldn't buy the item!!11!one!1!!" Court: "NEXT"
OMG!!!LOL i didn't see that....i didn't even read the rules!! :lol: Everyones useing it these days how do u think a 2 month old account could get like 5 Baby Paint Brushes!!Its ether they play non-stop 24/7 or cheat!!Who hasn't cheated in there whole life???Noone i knew it!!
If they didn't state that in their ToS, Neopets would have more 'cheaters' than they do now. Which would make more competition between them... they almost did us a favor.
That's an interesting way of looking at it Never thought of it that way, but I have to agree with you
That seems pretty ridiculous for an online game site to have, I mean if they actually do track down everyone (which is impossible) they'd have to sue like tens of thousands of people.
Ive been iced and it said that I used a "downloadable 'cheat' program" and ive never been sued. BTW if and only if tnt sued every one of people using progs, they would make millions everyday. Thats a lot of moolah.
Even then; How can they sue kids (<18) for 50k? I mean, kids can't even go to a normal jail etc. Like a junior court would make them pay 50k for using an automated program...
:lol: Can you all imagine if they really did take the time and effort to sue all of us!? That's all they'd be doing, all day every day. Hahah. ;x
If that went to the courts, could they really make a kid <18 pay $50k for cheating on a game. That's so... odd. I mean, yes, Neopets is actually a money-making business for some people, but for the people who are getting charged, it's merely a game. But yeah, I think it's onyl really scare tactic. I've seen them sue a few people, but those are only reeeeeeeallllllly sever cases. Like those to Cgers a while back who even got into TNTs account. Who were they again, infamous and kaos?
This one made me laugh so bad "Neopets scaring little kids parents by sueing thousands... Parents won't let their kids play anymore, in fear of having their kids sued!"
Spoiler ^ Has some information on them/the letter Infamous was forced to write. (Not sure if it was forced, but from the last line, it sure sounds that way) But, now, we can all say TnT is pretty money-greedy; :|