I think its a bit overrated it just seems like an over-sized iPhone. Imagine making a call and holding it up to your ear. XD
Yeah, uber stupid. Wanna go on the net and do research for an assignment using copy and paste into a word document? Not possible. There was an awesome pic out there of an iPad just being 4 iphones stuck together...at least with 4 iphones, you can multitask LOL
that iPad looks preeeetty futuristic to me... haha soon everyone will have one. Next thing you know were cloning Pandora natives and taking over alien planets. tsk tsk
Ohhhh, I read this in Time magazine. I'd love to get one if I was rich (but I'm not) so it's not worth getting it in my point of view if I go broke.
Personally, I'd love one. I have my iPod touch which I use more often than I use anything else. An iPad is just an oversized version of an iPod Touch really. I wouldn't use it as an iPod, but for casual surfing, chatting on Neopets (which I like to do), apps, my lj, my tumblr, etc. I really could use an iPad. Its not that expensive. I figure, this summer I'm either buying a new laptop for myself or an iPad. But I think the laptop will ultimately be better because it can do things the iPad won't and it won't be much more expensive. Plus the iPad is almost obsolete with no internet. It is pretty huge... 0.0
You should google all the iPad jokes out there already... XD But serious, iSlate would have been cooler but I guess it doesn't easily mesh with the iPod brand.
I agree, the iPad is a great invention. You'll find many people disagree, but most of it comes down to money which isn't really a factor in my opinion.
Bill Gates donated billions of dollars to send vaccines over to Haiti and other countries in dire need of them. What did Steve Jobs do? Make a giant iPod.
iPad = Retarded All they did was make it bigger and a little faster... Lol i bet 3months from now they will have iPad 2 Gen and it will be 1inch bigger and everyone will go omg next new thing lol
None of you ignorant people even know what the iPad is SUPPOSED to be. You took one look at it and said "That looks dumb" Apple is the LARGEST mobile devices company in the world. Bigger than Sony,Samsung, Nokia etc. They are supposed to come out with new types of mobile devices. The iPad is intended to be the crossover between the phone and the laptop. It is Apple's equivalent of a netbook. People said they wanted something with more capability than your standard smartphone, but not quite as heavy as a laptop. That's what Apple gave them. This thing is a HELL of a lot nicer than the other devices in its' category. Obviously, if you already have an iPhone and a Macbook, then you do not need an iPad. This is targeting consumers that are looking for something just right for them.
Did they really have to call it an iPad though? Also, Apple is the largest device company in the world, simply because of the overratedness of them. We go 'listen to your ipod' instead of 'listen to your cheaper-than-an-ipod-and-better-than-an-ipod mp3' I remember when iPods first came out. Everyone wanted one because everyone else had one. o-o'
That was the only reason I wanted an iPod. Because it was 'cool' and 'in' at the time. Imagine the day when iPads will be 'in fashion'. Everyone will be carrying around these things everywhere. o.o;; Oh the horror...
More than just a few inches... it also has much less power and is missing many features. The iPad is not for people who already have an iPod Touch and are looking for a new iPod. It's not even in the category for iPods.
I get that. You are describing this as a hybrid. Perhaps, but I still think it looks ridiculous. It's just an oversized iPod Touch.
Amen Diamond. It is just a giant iPod Touch. If I wanted to waste my money, it definitely wouldn't be on that. It would be nice just as the iPod touch is, but with the disadvantage of being huge. I wish people stopped saying how great it is