I've had an HTC before, couldn't even get my email working on the PoS. Lol @ the four 3 hour calls to customer service for them to tell me it's the Phone and I'll need to buy a new one because the warranty doesn't cover the software. I have an iPhone 4, I love it.
the reason why i wont want to get a iphone 4 in singapore is because its not release here yet, but the blackmarket already has the iphone4 and is jacking up the price to 1.4k USD per piece -_- Another reason is iphone4 has some problems with the reception
Yeah the reception problem is discussed a bit earlier in the thread. It's when you hold the bottom sides and the phone just loses all reception. But Apple knows about this problem and is giving free cases/bumpers to all Iphone 4 owners. They're also paying for your bumpers if you bought it because of the problem. (But they're only refunding bumpers online now)
Just went and got myself a 32 gig and my fiancé a 16 gig. Seem pretty cool so far. Definitely a big upgrade from the 2g iPhone.
I think I am going to wait a month for some more reviews to come out until I get one just to see what im getting into before I screw myself over xD
I just googled the Droid X. I love the size of the screen and the sliding keyboard but I still prefer iPhone...
I frickin' hate the iPhone. I don't get why everyone fusses over it. It's so hard to manuever. I wish they'd make a next next gen phone soon. Something neater than touch interfaces. I hope they release voice-detecting-dependent phone systems soon. I think that's a plausible dream of mine, within the next 5 years.
Dislike the new iphone. Difficult to use for me so i sold the iphone 4 i bought and just decided to go back to using my old phone.
getting this phone in a week or two. hearing a lot of mixed reviews about it and i don't know who to listen to
Still haven't gotten my free bumper. Went to the apple store but they said we had to get it through the mail. What bull.
Had my blackberry bold for 8 months, getting sick of it so i'm looking to switch to the iPhone 4. I'm waiting for Apple to fix the shit issues with the shitty ass phone at the moment though. Hopefully when they fix it {2nd gen perhaps?} it'll be so much better. I just don't want to invest on a phone that everyone complains about right now haha. Hopefully it's soon..I really do wanna switch right now, i'm just holding it off because the problems aren't worth dealing with in my opinion.