ive been hacked

Discussion in 'Neopets Chit-Chat' started by Underground_Secrets, Jul 13, 2018.

  1. Underground_Secrets

    Dec 22, 2006
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    West Coast in USA
    I was hacked on my main a few months ago. not sure how. my pc was hacked its self by ransomware group of hackers. my pc has been screwed up since. shortly after my neo main account was hacked & everything stolen. its always been 100% legit so I contacted tnt & they just keep blowing me off. I might have also gotten it through a login scam that I forgot to look out for. its been many years since I was active on neo but I always loged into my accts to make them look active. I take good care of my stuff. so I was trying to find brain tree answer cuz I forgot how to play & googled it I found a fan cheat site & I dunno if it had fake login page but seems like I wouldn't forget a scam like that. they stole everything I earned in 12 years. im still pissed. tnt wont do a damn thing about it. I took screenshots of everything gone as proof. I own nothing now. my side accts are still safe which is weird.
  2. Ewintz

    Ewintz Newbie

    Feb 9, 2019
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    You shouldve locked everything down with a pin. You didnt do that, Did you. ?
  3. Underground_Secrets

    Dec 22, 2006
    Likes Received:
    West Coast in USA
    no. I never had a problem before. always afraid ill forget it & lock myself out.
  4. Ewintz

    Ewintz Newbie

    Feb 9, 2019
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    (< Daamn dude.. If theres one thing to take away from pet simmer julie or the various gains and massiiiive losses associated with neopets, Its that you need a pin on e v e r y t h i n g. A pin can stop routing-programs from just walking right in like skynet and changing your info around to serve someone else instead of you - ALWAYS have a pin! Have a b o o k where this stuff is written down, That way youl never forget and with practice. It is not worth it to play this game if five months, A year, Ten years down the line all your effort is appropriated.. Because of not having the proven protection of a pin. Seriously. Fears are rational, But they can be a persons greatest weakness like if it prevents action from being taken beforehand. This could have been an entirely different point in history for you with this game, Instead look what its turning into, Yo.

    If you still have your account.. Pin it. Right now, Always pin it. You can gain back everything you lost with enough time but not truly if you lose the account. Id like to freind you on neo if you dont mind, And advise you to also have multiple accounts, Half of them being shell ones so that things like this can be avoided. If you use neo on the tor browser, If someone tries something funny with your account like this, If its not pinned, Especially if its the deposit box, If you havent got any backup plans whatsoever, Then a day like this can happen.

    There is still phishing sites out there and hackers aplenty who want to dig into neopets more than ever seeing the lack of concern over it by tnt/players whove left as an opportunity, Up the ass. I suggest you pin, And play neo every once and a while just to stay abreast of things like this. There are still videos being made on youtube aplenty that are full of horror stories like this.

    I lost 4 mil recently and have vowed to get it back three times over, I know what you went through. At least twice. tnt cant even be bothered to fix moltara, They still treat players a little too much like potential criminals.. On a kids game. Still though, Freind me on neo?
  5. Underground_Secrets

    Dec 22, 2006
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    West Coast in USA
    lol yes its a bunch of crap. I have everything pinned now. yes I have since kept closer track like I used to not write bdays. oops. I have all bdays, emails used even if I don't have them now & never updated, & all pins.
  6. Ewintz

    Ewintz Newbie

    Feb 9, 2019
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    Good person. Occasionally i get logged out for no reason suddenly.. Thats most likely someone who just tried to get inside on neo only to find it didnt work because of pin's. MMO's even without p2p trade one of the most valuable resources in the world.. A persons time. If it ends up being for nothing then its a players loss of their literal time of their mortality.