I dont really understand how they catch people anyways. I mean with so many accounts to watch something must send a flag and tip them off.
This morning after I took my pet's out of training my account was frozen. It said I was frozen for scamming. I guess I am a bit upset and bummed because it was my REAL account that I've not cheated on in anyway at all in the 47 months it was active. The only thing I can think of that caused me to be frozen was last night I bought a SoS from another user for maybe 200K cheaper than full price via auctions. I didn't get frozen right away after the auction ended but just a few hours later. I looked up the user that had it in the auctions and his account is frozen as well. All I can assume is maybe he cheated to get it and that TNT think we're interlinked with each other? That's a pretty shitty thing to do, how was I supposed to know if it was hacked/scammed/bought with illegit Neopoints? I have had Premium since 2006 and have spent quite a bit on Neo Cash (yeah, yeah..) so it's pretty twisted that it's so easy for them to just to freeze people like nothing. I sent in a form via Premium and I'm waiting for a response, if they insist I did scam I guess I will write them back and let them know I am going to contact the BBB and have my bank reverse all charges made to them, even the ones via Paypal. At least I'll get my money back.
And watch out, because when I had my premium account frozen they kept charging my credit card. I had assumed that once the account was frozen they would stop taking the money for the premium, but they didn't. I tried to call, and was on hold for an hour and a half. I ended up having to email them 8 times to get any kind of a reply. And even then, they were refusing to return the money for the months my account had been frozen.
They don't give refunds on /anything/ even if you get frozen which I suppose is a little out of order. They blame it on you which happened to me when I had yearage package :/
I would contact the BBB if they refuse to refund your money after freezing your account and you'll get it taken care of pretty easy.
A couple years ago I made the account softballs & it was frozen about 20 minutes afterward for being inappropriate. I swear I was talking about the sport.
First and most sentimental account frozen some odd years ago for using the word 'faggoty' in a NM to my sister. There was nothing derogatory about it. Most recently frozen for venturing into the realm of ABing. I wholeheartedly wish I'd read up on all this advice /before/ I started doing it on my main. I'm making a plea do be unfrozen, but what're you gonna do? I deserved it. >__>
I have had over 5 accounts frozen, most of them were stupid reasons. Just got iced yesterday for Abing. Too bad, I nabbed a draik morphing potion. :/
I've been iced so many times neopets won't let me make a new account anymore. Anyone wanna help me? if so. Pm me.
I've had many shells iced. but luckily, i secure my trading to my main to make it look legit. But i've only had one main frozen.
Just Change your IP Address if you cant create anymore neopets acounts (That what it means when you cant create anymore, cause your ip banned) & ive been iced 506 times total in the range of 1-3 months. Was the legendary scammed (Cee/Maria) & famous spammer maria.
Too change your Ip address permanently then just call your internet provider and ask them to change it. It's that simple really. I've done it 4-5 times now.
Frozen for being lent a scammed fqd, as it seems to be. First time something like this has happened to me.