I think that marijuana is more like alcohol that guns. Using a gun doesn't inherently impair one's judgment like alcohol or marijuana. And ultimately, it is the impaired judgment that is the problem, not the object itself.
well, i don't think it should be legalized, because its illegal for a reason, besides one its legalized in certain countries, everytime you visit another country that doesn't have it legalized, they will specificly check to see if you have it more than usual.
Legalizing shouldnt be a problem...simply make it illegal to have at work, on campuses and places like that. It should be no problem for people to smoke it at parks and shit
Marijuana should be legalized and put under the same restrictions as alcohol. Its not like by banning it, you're stopping anyone. People can get marijuana easily if they so choose to. By banning it, all it does is give opportunities for criminal gangs to make profit from selling it. Multiple gangs will want to sell the drug, leading to gang violence. This gang violence will involve innocent bystanders. To fight against the gangs, the government will have to spend money. Its all unnecessary. Marijuana could just be legalized and everything would be okay. Its not like its anything new for marijuana to be legalized. It was legal for a longer time than it was banned. Society operated just fine when it was legal.
Ya, restrictions are all it takes. The commercial that says workers can go to work high and owners will be liable for wat they do is absurd...restrict it where it should be restricted but let it be legal...nuff said
Legalize it already, I'm tired of not being able to smoke in public and what not, weed is not addicting nor in my case mind altering. I can do anything just as well high as sober
Too bad prop 9 (or whatever it is) failed in California. There probably won't be another legalization effort anytime soon. In the meantime, drug cartels can continue to profit.
It was prop 19 in California, and I saw a documentary that communities would collapse if they legalized marijuana since that produces steady income for workers. Kinda like weeds. In this economy the only thing that hasn't gone done is marijuana consumption.
You cant compare Pot to alcohol! Alcohol impaires your judgment on everything, talking,walk,driving etc. I can be blasted out of my mind and talk fine, walk fine, drive fine, hell I can go work and do my job fine. I think If they Legalized Pot then a lot of people would stop smoking It. Most people do It because they know they shouldn't be. Like drinking before your of age. Doing something Illegal when you know It Is give you "a rush". But no matter what they do people will always be token down. Hell hitt me up I'll go burn one down with ya right now >
What? In its current prohibited state, marijuana produces steady income for workers? Explain. You mean to say that giving steady income to drug cartels is a good thing?
I agree legilization is way overdue. Free up our legal system and use our tax dollars wisely. Across America, not just Humboldt or Lane County (southern California)the underground infastructure that keeps towns afloat, will be feeling the ripple effect of legilization. The people involved with the growing and selling of marijuana will just find new ways to peddle there wares.
I agree on that if it was legal then it would save up the tax dollars. but why was it illegal in the first place? there has to be a reason is there?
Because there isn't anyway for the government to control It and tax people If they grow/sell. And Lord knows they want has much money as they can get there hands on. So If they have It illegal they make lots of money busted people with It. :nope: sons of b......
I'm guessing it's because it is a somewhat harmful drug whose usage has not been too entrenched in society, so the government is trying to prevent society from picking up another "bad habit." It's an understandable motivation, but there appears to be no way to curb the demand for marijuana. As a result, keeping the ban will enable drug cartels to continue to benefit from this demand, at a great cost to society at large.
why not legalize it? No studies have shown any ill effects of the drug that can't be reversed. The only problem people have with marijuana is that stigma it has had for many years. It would help the economy. Can anyone even say that marijuana itself has ever killed one person?
its the Number one cash crop in America it kinda of silly that its not legal especially when you consider how dangerous alcohol is but thats legal and tobacco is the worst the price people pay with their lives and dont even get a good buzz thats just corporate cruelty LEGALIZE IT sooner and not later