Say I took the estimated price of all Destruct-O-Match-related books added together... Multiplied by rarity of every Codestone and added them together... Then divided that by the number of different Motes in Neopia... And finally multiplied by the number of Lupe villains in the Gallery of Heroes... What would I get? Round to the nearest whole number. Is today's, someone can probably do this pretty quick
The island's regular inhabitants don't mind the touists; visitors to the island usually bring plenty of Neopoints. One such tourist, Salinder, had ben saving for this day for an entire year and couldn't wait to see what this year's Gadgadsbogen had to offer. His first stop was at a small shop near the harbour. It was full to the brim with Slugroots and Uchini, but nothing really caught the buzz's eye. Salider's second stop was at the Tropical Food shop. They had a larger variety, including Grunions and Banngos. They even had Honeylumes! But still, he couldn't find that one fruit that looked too delicious to resist. Finally, after many more stops and a long day of celebrating, he came upon a very smal stand tucked away behind the Rock Pool. When he approached, his face lit up! This was it. This was the fruit he'd been serching for all along. What fruit did Salinder find?
My first is in Polarchuck, but never in Snarhook; My second is in Woolypapith, but never in Slymook; My third is in Gikerot, but never in Crocalu; My fourth is in Hegelob, but never in Puppyblew; My fifth is in Flowper, but never in Wadjet; My sixth is in Alabriss, but never in Piraket; My whole lives in the sand in a sunny land. What am I?
The answer is Cheops the first-6ths lines are talking about the letters in the words the last line is describing the item itself.
THE FAERIES' RUIN: POST INCIDENT FACT SHEET Harmful faerie artefacts safely recovered by Hanso and Brynn 6 Wraith encounters around Faerieland since the incident 18 Possible secret locations Queen Fyora has taken Xandra's statue 72 Items Hanso was caught "borrowing" while on artefact hunts... so far ??? Number of broken teeth caused by stone pie consumption 2,160
Yeah something like 700np iirc This weeks seems a little more difficult but I hope I got in there fast enough
does anyone still post these? i cant remember if we do this once a month to get trophy or every wed.?
I believe that you can get a trophy every wednesday from being in the top 250 or something. Nobody post answers on here anymore though =L
This weeks is only just up. I believe the answer is as follows: He filled the hole with water I am not sure what wording to use though so it is up to you.
Spoiler Wallace was a Wocky who loved to catch things! Most Neopians would claim those things were junk, but Wallace disagreed. Plushies, codestones, books, you name it, Wallace would catch it. Any item Wallace caught would be added to a big pile of items he would balance all day long. When Wallace got too tired of balancing, he tossed all those items out. however, Wallace caught something he couldn't throw away. Wallace spent the next hour running around, unable to sit still. He continued on into the night without sleeping or eating. Poor Wallace! What did Wallace catch? Answer: Jitters