I spent only a few k on it, and then gave up Has it just been by incredibly bad luck or does it always say that nothing happens (unless you get the avatar, of course)?
it's all about luck. you never know when you'll get it. you can get it the first time, or the 10000000000th time xD
lol yeah, that would be nice XD I just don't think there's any way to cheat on it. But maybe an autoplayer untill you get the avatar? =3 then you just have to be aware of that it could cost alot
Mm, i'd be okay with the cost, it was just so boring sitting there and clicking repeatedly. I have the attention span of a ... Er, what's the saying? ((Totally OT, sorry - why can a post only have 3 quotes in it?))
lol yeah, me too.. it gets pretty annoying in the end xD eerh, no idea. I think it looks messy when there's more than 3 quotes in one :3
Ah, that makes sense. Noob question ---> where's the lever of doom av again? i was thinking it was on terro mountain
I spent at least 600k on my past account until I finally got it. On my new main, I've probably put in only around 50k or so, but still no av.
i hate the lever of doom :lol: sorry for taking up another post but i put in 200k so for and no avvie Don't double post. Use the edit button! - Commy
i made it to about 300k... but reading this forum is really inspiring me to go find a program and try again.. for the sake of my avatar count!!
yeah i spent botu 150k trying to get that thing and i never got it so i gave up on it ill try once more in the future