love at first sight is more likely to be loveing what you see but not beeing in love .. i do belive you can fall in love fast but not that fast
i would say love at first site because i like a guy and it was love at first site although were not together :lol:
how can you say it is love at first sight though i mean feeling something for someone can just mean very strong atracktion but love at first sight mmmhhh i dunno
Theres no such thing as love at first site. i do beleive though that you can be intrigued enough to investigate the person and end up falling inlove because of when you first met. If that makes any sense. Your first impressions can have an affect on how your relationship is
I don't believe in love at first site, it's lust, someone might be extremely attractive but have everything you hate in a personality
I don't believe in love at first site. I mean, you know nothing about that person. You are judging them only on looks. And I believe you fall in love with someone based on their personality, not the way they look.
I do believe in love at first sight it happened to me and I am very happily married and have been for 6 years. I'm not saying it has been a cake walk, but we both said divorce is not an option going in, so we work through all our issues, and it is great!
I think people say it was love at first sight but usually that first sight that person is doing something or looking at something that has a significant meaning or value to the person therefore they are basing that person on what they see of themselves in the other person so really are they falling for that person or themselves through that person?
Love at first sight is when you meet someone for the first time and you both immediately fall in love right? Yeah I believe in it. It's romantic, I like it. Everyone should believe in it, its a nice thought. Though imo, it happens maybe 1-2 times in a persons life. Dont wait for it, this could take a long time and would be such a waste right?
when my bf asked me out i fort he was ok looking and accetped but as we got to know each other more i really started to appreciate him and love him more and more and ave been together for 2 yrs now, but i wouldnt say it was love at first sight but in my opion love at first sight is almost like a crush on some one not true love
I don't believe in love at first sight. Yes, I believe in attraction at first sight, but not love. You have to know someone before you can love them. Love is based on more than just looks.
I think that the idea of love at first sight is not true. You can glance at someone and feel attracted to them - even if you don't know why. It could be subtle things in their physical appearance, like the way they walk or their smile. It then prompts you to make contact with that person and foster a relationship which has the potential for love.
Well, love is both complicated and the most simple thing in the world, how you approach it really. Some people can fall in and out of love, does that truly make what they feel less love-ish than a happily married couple of 20 years or whatever, it may seem so but that is not always the case, each person is affected in a different way, love is only as complicated as you make it. To people who believe that love at first sight is purely superficial and based on appearance alone, you'll be right in the majority of cases, however, you would be surprised how much information you can draw from someone in a split-second glance. Bear in mind people much communication in love is 'body language' *cough*.