I see you catch on fast :lol: Magic is extremely high-profile... if you legitly RS a few good MPs in a pretty small amount of stocks, you could get frozen
I got frozen CHAIN FROZEN i only used shop once every 3 days only 1 hour every 3 and then chained froze me my refesh interval was 4-7 sec
hmm yeah. maybe i'd pass on magic totally. to ^ poster, it's really all down to luck, and not whether you AB 1 min a week, or 24/7. if they catch you, it's it !
Hmm, this makes me wary to even try the magic shop. I'd really like to make some big profits but I don't think I could stand getting iced again.
ABing in magic isn't THAT bad. The freeze rate is high, yes, but if you use good proxies you can avoid being chain iced, if you distribute the items you get to holding accounts you can still profit. EDIT: Ummm....I take that back? Just got chain iced
Hm. I have been frozen but i used it EVERY day. And it took months to be frozen! So I would not worry about it.
i still have NO idea how to create accounts / AB under a proxy. if anyone knows, are they willing to enlighten me?
I'm definitely going to have to try this as well, I've been having major trouble with trying to use proxies. ---- Or it costs like 30 dollars.... I'm looking for FREE ip hider software.
abing at magic Its been weeks and Ive rsed at magic almost everyday, not yet frozen, but probably, if your acc. doesnt look trustworthy, you can get iced by just a month 8)