Magma isn't that most creative color, but at least there's a new paintbrush. They should make Pokemon-colored neopets.
They need to hire another programmer! As much as we'd like for things to be fixed, or more plots to come out, artwork (such as new colors) is handled independently from the site programming. Did the Pokemon Magmar make you think of this? xD
Boo on the pokemon. More evil looking pets and colors! The paintbrush is the only cool thing. They could use some giving up on the graphics. They just get more girly and kidlike everytime. lol.
just got really excited when i though of the possiblitlies of double coloring even if magma has n clothes this is my idea Shoyru: Halloween - It comes with a devil costum Magma It should look awesome! Can't wait
I agree, i mean.. im glad TNT is doing something half worth doing lol. I could of went for a new pet too tho :yup:
mmm, I'll reckon they'll be putting a magma pb in the HT cause I believe they are trying to suck more and more neopoints out of the system. I'll be trying to hold onto as much pure as possible so I can facilitate people quick selling at low prices to get their hands on the new paintbrush. I'm more interested in how the trading will react to this than the actual color I just hope the paintbrush itself looks mean. edit: if indeed a paintbrush is required ofc
Good point, perhaps I should hastily make arrangements for that as well! Although, I can't see prices plummeting a terrible amount - what's one item going to do in a sea of hundreds of overpriced UBs?
I know, there is just too much neopoints floating around inflating desirable items to ridiculous heights, my main point was if there is a new HT paintbrush the neopoints spent on them would be gone from the economy which I purport to be TNT's aim. But your absolutely right, the np spent would only be a drop in the ocean. Combined with the Trident though a fair whack of points should be gone. Did anyone notice a rise in price of items like draik eggs when ss ers became common? Cause it would explain alot!
I think score senders are the main contributor to Neopian inflation. You can autobuy (or legit restock) all day long, but in the end you aren't introducing any NP to the economy - in fact, you're removing some. Spidering or scamming comes to the same end. Games (and thus, score senders) are the only things I can think of that heavily introduce NP.
Magma may be good... but I doubt it can be fantastic. Either way, it's great that TNT is adding some new features to neopets.
Maybe it's all a hoax to generate more interest in the site... To draw more users back on a daily basis... hmm, conspiracies at work! >
I figure that it'll be extremely expensive at first... then it will go down in price. I hope that it'll be relatively affordable, eventually. As in less than 1 mil XD
But if it's a huge let down, the price is going to be low D: I don't think it'll even hit a million if it's not appealing. Maybe 800k?