Wait, wait, wait. I'm not forcing anyone to sign up, I'm just asking if they could register there with my refereal link. If someone doesn't want to sign up using my refereal, they can just remove it... I won't ban them. And I think this is not scamming since you don't pay anything for it, and I'm not the owner nor affiliated in any way with the site. It's just a courtecy I'm asking for, you're not forced to sign up there. And I don't think a new user would be banned or warned for a thing like that, or at least I would never do it. It's the user's choice to signup or not: in fact, only 2 or 3 people did, that I know of. And benefits would also go to this site, since I would donate some of the money (I think around 50%) to it, and I would really do that... it's the only way to earn some money I can use over the internet. However, if you stil think it's not fair to post such things in here, just say that. If I get more complains, I'll remove it, immediately.
I have a problem with this part. If you're a trusted member of a community, you do get more rights. Here you get autobuyers and cheats for games as well as many other features. If you have been here long, you can get away with more since people know you better than new members. It's just how it is, and I don't see what's wrong with it. I would easily do this for ricky, since he is entiteled to more priveleges (sp?) than some other members, because he has contributed more. If Expon or Mystical did it, I'd consider it as well. The time and effort they have put on this community (no, I'm not forgetting about you mods ) is well worth clicking a few links to give them some spare change. But if a level 1 or maybe even a level 2 did it, I probably wouldn't take it into serious consideration. But then again, I'm lazy and I will probably not bother signing up until there's a program for this thing .
Well that was fun. I didn't mean to call you out as much as I did Ricky, I think I blew my argument way out of proportion, like I can do quite often. You all brought up very good points, and I'm sorry I even said anything. I think I'm going to make a SCAR script that does stuff for you.
Hmm.. I dont agree with that argument either. Why is it any different to when people post their referral links to gaming sites and stuff? But seeing as the arguments over... Also, with regards to Skip's comment about scams and/or spyware etc, if you know the right sites to go to, this wont happen. I've been using a few sites on and off for about 3 years and have never had any trouble. The one I posted about is the one I've used for longest and most regularly - I wouldn't have posted it if I thought there was any issue with site security wise o_0. Anyway, if you are worried, simply don't sign up
Ya huh. Noones forcing anyone. haha xxx, i used classicalmail AAAAGes ago. then they stopped sending me the mails so i just gave up. i used to have a whole host of PTC/PTR sites
...You need a guide....to...create a account? You can make one without having to put in a creditcard. When you make a account, first you get the usual stuff : name,country,etc ( personal info ), and once you did that, you need to verify account, aand then you can add a creditcard, or, don't, when you registered, you still have a account, and you can still recieve money. Least you could do is actually try to register before asking stupid questions like this! Blargh! :0
No catch, Yankee. You just have to be willing to click the links. That's it. Can be quite monotonous, but I just do them whilst I'm on other sites (I'm doing some now). Having said that, some sites have high cash out levels and then don't pay out. To avoid getting caught by these, I'd suggest only signing up to ones that have been recommended and have cashed out to people you know. Smelly, thanks for signing up again . If you have any you want to send me a referral link for, I'll sign up