Open up Adobe Photoshop. Next choose either 400x200 pixels or 400x100 pixels, whichever suits you. Next choose black and white and then do Filter>Render>Clouds Here is my result(Yours will not be the same, since i brushed the clouds): Now press CTRL+SHIFT+N which will bring up a new layer box, press okay. Brush the picture until you find that it is good for you. Now, get a render from here Open it up in photoshop and see if the background is transparent, if it is continue, otherwise find a new render. Open the picture and copy and paste it onto your picture, move it around and rotate it till it pleases you. Your result should be like this, or somewhat like it. Time to add color! Click on Images>Adjustments>Color Balance Choose your coloring, using + or - as in the example below! : Now select the lasso tool, and the layer in which your render has been pasted on, circle a certain part you want to fade in and press delete, do this till you're ready(I forgot this part and re-edited so the text is already in there): Now add some text, I will not go into detail on how to add the effects, I may write a tutorial about that on its own, here is my finished product!