1.) Ok first you will place your camera or what ever your taking in a position where it won't move and have someone take two picture of you (without moving camera) in two different positions or poses. 2.) Put the pictures onto your computer and load them both up in paint.net by selecting file>new and uploading them into two separate tabs. 3.) Copy the whole image from one of the tab tab and go to file>paste in new layer in the other tab. This will layer this picture of your current one. 4.) After this is done select the eraser and start erasing the picture and you will see the other image show up from behind as you erase. 5.) Now if the two pictures are perfectly similar you will just need to erase where your clone is and have them appear. If there are lighting differences then try next step. 6.) You will have to erase all of the image you can without disturbing the part that has you in it. you will delete all you can around them and then select the magic wand tool. 7.) change the tolerance percent for the tool too 30% (experiment with different % if needed) and select the areas you could not erase easily around your body and carefully delete them. Once done your clone picture will be looking great. Then go to image>flatten and then save. Your done!! Make sure to post your clones and let us all see if you decide to try this out, good luck!!