his an addict.. and i feel sorry about the 2 month old child.. no pics about the child? luckily he still alive.. but ouchie.. 3rd degree burn.
Oh the baby's alive? Thnk heavens. I just wouldn't be able to look at the pics of the child if it were to be ever posted on the internet.
the child was taken to the hospital to recover.. and his father.. wont tell whats the reason why he put his daughter to the microwave.
That's sick, man. And the sad thing is the guy is probably going to try to plead insanity with the whole 'god told me to do it' bullshit. What I don't understand is why he would even think of going through with this. I mean, it's not like it was his only option. If he couldn't put up with the stress of being a parent, then why not put her up for adoption? People seriously need to look at all their options before immediately jumping into their actions.
too much prob. or got high.. we have story of that here also.. mother chops the head of her daughter. really weird.
wow thats... wow lol i dont even know what to say. call this post spam if you must, but really im speechless