I think its should be legalizied since most people already use it and it'll just be better , and safer. And it doesn't really kill people now does it?
i'm really against drugs with the exception of alcohol, but shit you might as well legalize it and make some tax dollars off of it because people are going to smoke it regardless.
They should just legalize it already. They're wasting tax dollars trying to stop it and people are smoking it anyway, so who cares?
Prohibition hasn't worked with any substance in any country ever. Legalize drugs, regulate them, and tax them. Portugal did it and the crime rate went down. Amsterdam did it and the crime rate went down. Sweden regulated opiates and junkies got off the streets and got back to work -- the crime rate went down. Half. Half. As in 50% half. HAAAALF. HALF of all people incarcerated in The United States of America are in prison for a drug-related offense. In California in 2008-09, we spent $47,102 per inmate per year. (source: http://www.lao.ca.gov/laoapp/laomenus/s ... px?catid=3 ). We spent $12k per inmate on healthcare costs. Conversely, we spent $8,852 per STUDENT per year. (source: http://toped.svefoundation.org/2011/01/ ... -spending/ see: The $8,852 spent per pupil in 2008 – before the full impact of the recession hit California’s schools – was $2,371 below the national average of $11, 223.) Unfortunately, the prison lobby is much more powerful than teachers union. Read more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prison–industrial_complex
Agree with most of the above. Legalise it, regulate it and tax it help get everyone out the recession.
I say yes...but limit how much people can buy per month,tax it,and regulate it like alchohol....which is worse for you than most illegal drugs.
Yep legalize it. With the debt issues now any thing that we can tax the crap out of will be great for out county.
No it wouldn't. The total amount of taxes collected in 2010 was $2.1 trillion and the national debt is well over $14.9 trillion right now. Legalizing marijuana will do essentially nothing for the economy.
Yep, legalize that stuff! It has so many health benefits that it would knock the medical people out of business xD
Well, Some health benefit include things such as antispasmodic which is found in marijuana and has been proven to be helpful with seizures. Migraines, Since marijuana has been legalized in calif. doctors have reported over 300,000 cases of migraines that couldn't be treated by normal medicines. Marijuana is excellent with glaucoma. THC found in marijuana helps with Alzheimer by blocking deposits which cause this disease. There are many many more things, also it is a lot better for paper than using trees By medical people I mean the people who make all these pills that cost people hundreds of dollars a month to keep prescribed. Marijuana you can essentially grow it yourself for free and always have seeds left over from crops to continue this forever!
Idiot people will also grow marijuana and smoke it because it's legal. This has been brought up before, but health benefits have not been a strong enough point. People can still get marijuana if they get a prescription for it, I think. And 300,000 cases isn't very much and is probably an altered statistic (and too general because it was not a conducted study that other 'regular' medicines could not have cured the case). I asked my dad, who is a pharmacist on this. He said that there is more negative effects on the smoker and on society than there ever will be in health benefits. For those scientific studies that claim marijuana has positive effects on a disease, the effects are so minimal and often the data is tampered with it is hard to tell what is real. And the government is probably aware of this - that's why it is not legal. The only reasonable point I have heard is that legalizing it will drive the market down, especially with gangs near the Mexico-U.S. border. Less cash would be invested in it. People who still want to use it, legal or illegal, will still get it.
I think the biggest appeal to marijuana legalization is a decrease in illegal drug trade and the dangers associated with it. It also allows for small businesses who can sell their own products, and turn DEA attention to focus on more serious drug trafficking issues.
They should be legalized. They are 100% natural plants grown on the ground. There isn't (or from what I know, heard, and seen from documentaries and news, I have not yet heard) a case where a person has yet died due to overdosing marijuana. Marijuana is also now a medical treatment and doctors have also used marijuana as a prescription to help people. It has also proven that marijuana doesn't cause cancers, diseases, etc. It actually helps and benefits them. Cigarettes and alcohol on the other hand are much more harmful than marijuana. You hear cases everyday people getting lung cancer, over-drinking, drunk-driving, beating people due to smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol. If these two are legal, why shouldn't marijuana? I know in the future, marijuana's going to be legal and will be taxed like crazy, which also helps the country because they will be getting tons of money out of it. I would go deep into it, but unfortunately, I'm too lazy to type.