I that song too, and the soundtrack for resident evil he made. For the rest I don't really like his other songs. Too lood, too much screaming. His looks just creep me out. I can't really understand that there are people who think he's attractive.
I like him and his music, He's a unique guy. But that video when he had the breasts really creeped me out.
ok I want to start by saying I have every manson album. I used to be REALLY into his music. I still am. but not as much as I used to be. I will buy the new album. Myspace had the entire album up to listen to and i was impressed. Alot of people don't like him because he does alot to get attention and freaks alot of people out. But in truth, he is very original and his music is very unique. I've read his auto biography and it is very interesting. And the best part is that every album is different. Music to match any mood. The lyrics are very beautiful and meaningful in alot of the songs if you sctually listen to them and take the time to interpret their meanings.