Thanks Commy & Heather. Hes 5 weeks. Suffering from his first cold at the moment which is no fun at all. Comgrats Heather. Lovely dress!
lol I don't mess around! The wedding will be April 28th so I've got 4 months to get it all done! I'm just glad it's going to be a small wedding/reception. is he usually though? A good sleeper (if that's possible)? That's a nice dress Heather! I hope it doesn't set you back too much (if that's possible).
omg!! he looks so cute!! Really lovely. Such an angel! cutecutecute! Enjoy these times, it wont be long before he will grab everything and drives you crazy I really like your dress Heather! Nice pick. Ah it's getting close eh? hows the planning and stuff going?
Thanks Coldy! Yea it feels like it's going to be here before I know it! April isn't that far away lol. After the holidays I'm definitely going to start nailing things down! Super exciting! Thanks Freja! Aww so cute!! My dog lays like that with me all the time! I love it!
Heh heh, she's like 10 years, so she's old. Not a lot of running around anymore, but my parents dog takes care of that ._.
Every time I scroll over that elk heart I die a little inside. Plus, I was eating while scrolling over it first. Fml And yay, another cam.. eh... lover like me =D This is actually from the summer. Oh, lovely times. this christmas with my new cousin. so cuuuuuuuuuute