Meh 8) Not only 10 year olds play neopets 8) I play it as stress releif usually when I get done weight lifting....Lol It gives me a balance in my life :roll:
Aw I love my baby duck! Its a long story how I ended up with him. Mostly involving my friend and his truck Moral of the story: Dont text message while driving And I have battled with my hair for years. Lol. Trying to make it straight. Finally gave up and let it run wild! Thank you
Having a baby duck makes me think of Friends where Chandler and Joey have the duck and chick, lol. It is super cute though. And I guess it goes either way I've battled with my hair forever to make it curly but finally gave up and let it go flat, lol.
I think what omglook meant is that some people don't look like they play Neopets. Maybe its me, but I've got an influenced mindset from my classmates who don't play Neopets anymore. Those who used to sought games with more action and thrill, and I began to feel Neopets was childish and out of sync with the times. So I've left and returned to Neopets lots of times, but I think this is the last time I'm ever going to leave Neopets. Yeah! I remember back when my classmates and I were new to Neopets and I had better stuff than my classmates, I was like, "Please, I'll give this *codestone, lol* to you, don't ignore me." Sheesh, feels weird now that i mention it. Yeah, thats how I used to think Neopets was childish.
I really need to get some updated pics but I just found these and they made me laugh. This one is pretty old but awww, look how proud I was, lol. I think this is probably one of the only serious pictures I have of myself. Me being retarded with an aluminum foil grill. Yeah, I know, I'm super white.
Aww, that means the duckies like you! You should be flattered. XD Punky, your peeps are just the cutest things ever!