ok so i went to my friends house the other day, and we got a little picture happy... me = black shirt/brown hoodie we're so g 8)
desiqt786 <-- your beauty is really a brazilian. you have a unique beautiful face.. if your tall..you can be a professional model.
desiqt786, you are a very pretty girl. You have beautiful eyes and skin. Haha, I hope that doesn't make me seem creepy. :|
panda - lol i'm not brazilian and i'm pretty average height wise petunia - thanks and no i don't think so xD christine - no it doesn't =( thats just the flash doing its job fendi: yeah :lol: my friends and i all have colored contacts, all different colors. they have grey, hazel, green, and honey, and i have blue it doesn't really go well w/ my skin tone, but at least it stands out :lol:
This thread surprised me. On every other board I frequent the members are really scary looking. Everyone looks pretty normal here.
Pic taken on laptop webcam (I know, I know, the quality stinks xD) I'm as girly as girlie-girls can go ~ fashion shoes bags makeup... with a 3.93 GPA lol *will be taking these pics off the site in 1 day* ... pics removed ^^
its only cause i feel like shit 24/7 now one of my best friends is super pissed at me atm it seems like everyone hates me now