Re: Member's pictures. ( please no nudes ty) i think you look better with the mullet.... party in the back business in front lol
Re: Member's pictures. ( please no nudes ty) in the top right one you look almost exactly like my one friend. and in the top left one you look very akin to my sister. goddamn us asians for all lookin' the same.
Re: Member's pictures. ( please no nudes ty) AFTER A LOT OF BEER! and the flash made me close my eyes (Im guy at back for anyone whos not seen me)
Re: Member's pictures. ( please no nudes ty) Was going to say, I don't recall you having hair longer than my arms o_o then i realized you were the young fellow in the back.
Re: Member's pictures. ( please no nudes ty) LOL That is so true Phee. Omg I look diff. in every pic. Maybe i'm fake mwhahahaa.
Re: Member's pictures. ( please no nudes ty) It's me, Syn, or Anthony, posting a few pics so everyone can get to know me just a bit more, and so you all can see who you're talking to. I apologize for having such few pics of myself, I stopped caring to backup data before pc wipes after awhile. Also, I apologize for having some lame posing myspace pics ^.^ Enjoy!Captions are on bottoms of pics This would have to be the oldest pic I have, of me in my pot-head days. I'm clean now, and been clean for over half a year. That would be a 12" blunt. This would be an old, lame picture, of me and a lame coloring of my hair. Myspace pose ftw. Another Old pic, with my smexy guitar (which u'll see a better pic below), with better coloring (i think so) in my hair, and a better style (but still similar to old) Pic I just took, so I'd have something recent. I dyed my hair back to black. It's actually Dark Dark Brown, but w/e, it's black :3 My Sweet A** Bed, well broken in <3 My Shelf/Dresser, dumb yes, but it's part of the tour of my room. My Sweet Tiger that I won at the local amusement park. My Amp(Line 6 Spider III 150watt 2-12" Custom Celestion Speakers), my old black guitar (Epiphone G-400 Special), and my new black with white pinstripes guitar (Schechter Synyster Custom with SH-8 Custom Modified Invader Pickups, stainless steel floyd rose, and a custom made Titanium 32mm sustain block) Well organized closet; I love clothes. My Guitar Influence, Synyster Gates (Brian Haner Jr.) of Avenged Sevenfold aka A7X This is my bondage bear, just a decoration on my dresser, captioned in front of him reads "Time Heals All Wounds. Keep Your Chin Up." Hence the shotgun shell under his chin. Humorous. And this is where I watch Digital Cable, play Xbox 360, Ps2, and use my computer, 50" plasma. That's it for now.
Re: Member's pictures. ( please no nudes ty) You have a Syn Custom Schecter??? I am mad jealous, my friend. So jealous, in fact, that I actually had to reply so that I can let it be known that I am jealous.
Re: Member's pictures. ( please no nudes ty) That is truly flattering ^.^ I'm sorry to say that this forum is not as lively and responsive as I had hoped, and I am quite disappointed to let everyone know that I will no longer be with you all. Great people, but just not as lively a forum as what I was looking for. It was really fun the first few days, even tho only like 2 people talked to me. <3 you all. Byes. Syn
Re: Member's pictures. ( please no nudes ty) (Pic from saturday night when im VERYYYYYYYY DRUNK!) Russian hat + matrix coat Russian hat + my normal hoody
Re: Member's pictures. ( please no nudes ty) lol @ the bondage bear. wish you were sticking around! i'm posting a pic of meself, because it gives me the giggles and iamjustsofreakingfunny, don't even deny it. (removed)
Re: Member's pictures. ( please no nudes ty) PERFECT SKIN MUCH? Haha I like random doodles on a random pic..they're so cute. WHO'S PRETTY NOW?? PHEE IS!! <3
Re: Member's pictures. ( please no nudes ty) icky the flash made me sooo paleeee! twas for a makeup contest so hence the pounds and pounds of foundation. this is totally what i'm handing in for my ap art port.
Re: Member's pictures. ( please no nudes ty) wtf ur asian?! lul you actually put a picture of yourself? im shocked.
Re: Member's pictures. ( please no nudes ty) Phee & Mooie shall be my Azn brides your both so beautiful ^^