Re: Member's pictures. ( please no nudes ty) dangg chomps. nice pics =] i don't like the lip rings though >,< looks really painful and annoying when you eat =/
Re: Member's pictures. ( please no nudes ty) chomps; I really like your lip rings. =3 I thought about getting one for myself, but I'm a pansy when it comes to needles.
Re: Member's pictures. ( please no nudes ty) Don't pierce your mouth =[ Nose studs are cute though. And belly button stuff can sometimes look good =S
Re: Member's pictures. ( please no nudes ty) lmfao have you seen the state of my pics. Makeup, 1 eye up when asleep, drunkenly passed out sucking my thumb. Not everyone posts their best pictures just stick whatever pics you have up! we'll either laugh or love <3
Re: Member's pictures. ( please no nudes ty) I was about to think "Why don't I post another picture of myself?" when I read this: Then I just trashed the idea. xDD
Re: Member's pictures. ( please no nudes ty) nono, you've got it all wrong Ricky doesn't want OTHER people to laugh. He's pretty evil ya know >
Re: Member's pictures. ( please no nudes ty) But what if I post a hum-drum everyday picture that doesn't make you love OR laugh? :O
Re: Member's pictures. ( please no nudes ty) xD I loooove my lip rings. I dunno if I could live without them anymore haha. You should see the looks I get from old people when I walk into a room =] Oh, not to mention, sooo many girls love them >=D It's not painful or annoying at all when you eat. They actually don't hurt that much. After like... 2 weeks of them being in, the holes will be all healed up, and they won't hurt ever again. It's great. You can't even tell they're there xD Oh, and the best part is... You'd imagine water could drip through the holes. It actually can't haha. I've tried squirting water out of them, and it never works =[ Thanks =] They're great, you really should go for them It only hurts for like what 5 seconds? Just peirce it really quickly xD It's worth it Bellybutton rings are always a huge turn on for me haha. Nose rings rock, depending on the girl. You have to kinda have the face for a nose ring... and it has to go together well with your other peircings. If you have any, that is. BUT! You shouldn't discourage lip peircings, they look great (atleast I think) o.o;
Re: Member's pictures. ( please no nudes ty) I never actually laughed at any of those picture, except for yours! > (Even though it wasn't really a 'picture'... >.>) And I promise I will post another picture of me... sooner or later.
Re: Member's pictures. ( please no nudes ty) The ( please no nudes ty) part of the thread name made me laugh a little bit xD ...just saying o.o;; btw, hi Ricky! I dunno if you remember me or not, haha. Probably not.
Re: Member's pictures. ( please no nudes ty) Just post that one i saw xD i think no one here saw that one ^^
Re: Member's pictures. ( please no nudes ty) ew no I hate that pic And chomps, I know I have you on MSN but I can't really remember you, sorry... :\ *has alzheimer *
Re: Member's pictures. ( please no nudes ty) hmmmmmmm... Ricky is now working out twice a day between his programming so that he can get a nice pimped image in his next pic ^^
Re: Member's pictures. ( please no nudes ty) aye guys stop spamming. tis be a picture thread... all i c is wurds.