LOL I saw that before!! I took a few jus cuz they said things like that. I WILL MARRY YOU RHETT. TAKE ME. I'M A DESPERATE 50 YR OLD WOMAN.
SoC- Your swing looks like SOOO much FUN!! I wanna turn *pushes everyone off* XD haha Rhett- That is a cute picture lol.. lovely taco bell hahaha .. heres a new picture of mee ... --Spoiler-- Spoiler or a silly edited one --Spoiler 2-- Spoiler **is a dork** :back: HAHA
Haha yeah. I didn't really like that picture. The pink scribble had a purpose. So quick to creep this board SoC. :rhett: <3 Hahaha. :lol:
This is exactly a week old Does anyone want to recommend any dental crap and pay for it this time? -_-"
I seriously had to go ego-tripping because I just got my new (PINK <3) computer with a built in webcam xD my last computer didn't have one, and I hated finding the webcam and taking pictures because I'm just lazy. Anyways, here I played around with it =p and YES I was bored kay? idk. tried to snap my dog , kinda hard when I have to move the whole laptop around. lolz
Freja you're so pretty. These pictures are of me & my 16-year-old Yorkie Sammy. <3 He might be put down soon so I wanted to take some pictures before... stuff happens. I know I look like a porker/hobo but just focus on the cuteness I am holding.
Right back at ya Megs ^^; Wow, he's 16? that's pretty old for a dog 0_o mine's 9 and I consider her being old. lol xD So it might be best for him to be put down in the end when he gets too old , you know. it happened to my friends dog, she just turned blind and deaf, and they didn't put her down. That was so mean, imo =0 but it's always sad when a pet dies. I don't know how to live without my own little princess. lol here she is, my garfield xD lol, I am well aware that garfield is a cat ;D
Aww Garfield (the Dog :3) Is ADORABLE. :rhett: haha. Yeah, my dog is really old. He is deaf, his kidneys are failing, and he has an ulcer in his eye. He isn't suffering though, he's always happy and hungry, haha. I'm really hoping they don't have to, but if he's suffering I would rather they did.