No they wasn't baby photos! Theres one or two on here where im not drunk and pfft zero! I didnt drink until i was over 17. And its freshers week im allowed to. AFter this week im a good boy
Aww Tricia! CATS <3 What personalities do they have? Like the clingy type or the "likes to be left alone" type?
Tilly is less clingy than Elliott. She will sit with you and let you stroke her, but if she doesn't want to be with you, you can't make her. She's known to bite you if you piss her off too. Elliott is soft though. He has never scratched or anything! You can carry him around like a baby and when I leave for work or just to go out, he often follows me up the road meowing at me. Both of them do their own thing though. We have a cat-flap so they tend to just please themselves, although they spend most of the day on the sofa/bed anyway. Who can blame them? Virre, you are now my favourite person. Forever <3 Zer0, I think you're right. Maybe we should try to intervene. At this rate, he'll have no liver by the time he's 21... And Ste, I would say that 8 out of 300 and something photos definitely proves my point anyway :nope:
Awwsh.. kitties XD and you are beautiful tooo Tricia :yup: and ur kittens Soc, i havta' agree too.. every pic ive seen of you ur drunk in lol XD
Coooo Tricia I'm going to kittynap your...kitties. Now we're moving from adorable puupy pictures to adorable kitty ones? /cry Chilly definitely needs some AA!
lol, we're so having fun in classes nowadays xD this was so much fun!!! this girl just threw her feet in the photo, then we noticed she had something under her shoe.. LOL! (okay, maybe not so funny, but it was at the time !!) we look so ugly! =D that's when I got my iphone, I'm sooo concentrated.. clubbing! and my FAVORITE artist everrrr was singing live! -FINDME- and here he is <3 I'm no good with phone cameras, this was the best photo I got !! haha
Pssh at you all saying I need AA I last drank friday, and i'm on a bar crawl tomorrow but no drinking. Im currently training in every spare minute i have on treadmill/weights/situps etc to get fit so not ruining it. Hard work though! sweating like crap xD lol. last football trial tomorrow so needa be good boy =))
I hope I'm not wrong D= PS Here's an old pic of me I found. I'm the one jumpserving (obviously). This was 2 years ago.
Just wait till you see me now (Too bad I have no recent pics... ) I'll find some pics from beach volleyball this summer to post =D EDIT: Lol pictures. ITG xD Spoiler Yay beach volleyball (From Canadian Nationals 18U) Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler
Wow, that looks awesomesauce Mooie! =o Yeah, so this is me and my bff C; LOL, okay mostly me!! heeere she is :3 and her pug!
Sober ste :lol: Night before I got swine flu > Edit: Nige is our lecturer at university. What a legend that guy is XD
Very weird pictures you're posting SoC. Well not that it's unexpected or shocking. I'll never post pics here again (see Spam Corner MoD Abuse Fasty's Swimming Pool picture getting destroyed by a fat woman that "accidentally" drops on me)
You know, after a while you learn not to ask anymore. The answer is usually: I was drunk or I was passed out and my friends did that to me XD