My point was that Megs said your eyes were really pretty, but we can't compare unless we see a unaltered pic =P
My conclusion: Megs has gorgeous eyes. Freja is gorgeous overall, and addicted to taking pics of herself. XD Mooie's hair pwns. Every one of SoC's pics is connected to alcohol; if there is ever one without that shall be the day TNT suddenly returns all our accounts to us. Rhett's are all crazy/whacko/special like he is, in some way. =P And if my camera's picture ever lasts long enough for me to take pics/upload them, I shall do so. I <3 this forum.
And Syphon loves volleyball and can jump high =D I feel like finding another cool pic for you guys. I'll edit this post =) Here: OLDDDDDD pic:, this is from Gr. 8, now I'm in Gr. 12. =) And unrelated... I obviously must be a saint. Sickest picture ever xD
omg how can there only be a head? how can you be that violent :| btw. I'm too scared to put a picture now up because of all the pretty faces
Oh I know I got a message from the mod saying it's too "X-Rated" which IMO is way too harsh of a word considering the profession I do for a living and how I strongly am against posing nude, even after been told countless times I would never get anywhere unless I did so...but hey that's life
It was me who got it deleted as it may shock most of you But it was in my view, too much to display on NF when we have a LOT of young users. and as I said in the PM, if my kid or little sibling was browsing a neo forum and saw that picture, I'd be disgusted that they was viewing such things. I know it wasn't nude or of any such nature, it was just very borderline. Again, as I said in PM i hope I caused no offense, and if I did then I'm free to discuss this with mods and admins and get their views over mine and if they agree they can override my decision. <3 Now less talking and more pictures people!
I have to agree with SoC. Anyway, Flipmyflo, surely you have photos of you with clothes on? In all honesty, my initial reaction was, "I wonder if that's really even her" so yes. You'd probably be better off posting 'normal' photos anyway
Clothes are on... -_- Anyway I never knew there was such thing as a "normal" photo...but here's one I guess you could consider that. It's on one of my online portfolios to show I'm capable of doing my make up if a MUA isn't provided And the other is one of my favorite headshots
I think these pass the mod check . Your hair is so nice in the 'before' pic - You shouldn't straighten it!