LOL! You're giving them all ammunition to ask now Thar Can't say that then not go and share it... Aaaah... this topic has gone waay down hill
Fasty in the last one you remind me of the crazy brother in Wedding Crashers XD Guys.. take your hormone levels down a notch. Thar already said you might be disappointed.. and I second that 100%!! But if you insist on seeing a bra/panties pic... Spoiler
Hahaha. My productivity in school. Stupid Patrick wouldn't let me go to sleep last night and kept me on the phone so I quite obviously look exhausted. :3 No. I didn't wanna stop talking to my baby so I stayed on the phone until.... well I don't remember why or how I got off the phone. XD But yeah. Me looking tired. Maybe it's the ganja?
This video contains content from Vevo, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds. lol, fail
Appears you're missing part of your nose....or was it all an attempt to photoshop yourself with other people to make it look like you have friends? Just kidding, of course.
WOAH Why is Zer0 Pink? I like to imagine him the same way I imagine Serious Black - serious and black But just in personality, though your a good guy But really, pink!?
" haha I swear that I while back I was taking care of a baby that looked EXACTLY like that baby lol." - Erik I'm more concerned that YOU were looking after a child Haha j/ks