Since when did guys have long arm hair on thier biceps? lol think about it. The reason his arm hair shows so much is because of the lighting.
This one is from last year, most recent pic I have. Someone said they wanted to see me with underwear on my head, so I went for it o_o
lmao so much going in here :lol: Megs -your silly Heres one from last friday... cept my forehead looks huge... for some reason.. :nope: lmao and the guy and the fingers arnt suppost to be in there (ruining) the picture XD Spoiler middle
Lol, nothing like a random peace sign in your picture to muff it up, huh? So how did the dude manage to jump in there if he wasnt supposed to be? Shame on him :nope:
yup, we got me with underwear on my head, taliesin holding a knife. All we need is some llamas, and a grandma and then we can really get this wtf party kicked off xD
lmfao... yup Ang, i think that IS the plan lol ... llamas and grandmas?? i must of missed something lol ... i think the guys got in the shot... cuz we were taken to many pictures AFTER SHOTS lol
I hope my pic with the knife isn't in that creepy category ... it is the only pic I have on this comp that is recent I use it as my display picture on live messenger
I have no pictures. I'm just wondering where all these level 1s came from D= EDIT: Found a weird pic on photobucket, it's kinda old though XD
Ang!! :O your beautiful hair? Is the first pic your "after" pic lol? Thers not to much gone.. I did the same thing 2 months ago.. *sniffles* but i love it shorter.. so much easier to work with lol Ohh well your stunning like always