Crazy night out Trying to take pics with my phone always fails.. Uh yeah, no idea who that dude is. But he seems to think I'm weird. Look how big my little man has grown!!! Aw <3 We sleep like this almost every day when I come home from school : D She's my little princess..
lol yeah, I was ridiculously drunk so I don't blame him . and I'm not strangling her SHE LIKES IT KAY?
it's true, asians lack boobs Spoiler (removed) but we make up for it in our....sunny dispositions and general knowhow! ^.^ Spoiler (removed)
At the risk of getting banned.. Your boobs look good Phee.. (hey, you MADE me look in that direction!) And the photo's in general are very good... Who took the photos?
Don't forget young!! It's okay Fasty.. You'll grow into a man one day. Enjoy your sad drunken monkey baby face while you can... (I've still not grown out of mine )
BAN! lololololol jk asians don't have boobs. Thanks guys, I like that skirt too. It's like two years old but I still wear it sometimes! My friend took the photos with my camera, a Nikon D3000. Basically just pointed and hit the button lol, we had a bit of a photoshoot. The photos I took of her came out so nice and I set the white balance and f.stops all suave and shit but it's be creepy for me to post ipctures of her... Hmm well if you're my friend of facebook you'll see! ^.^
Graduation! Woo! My whole class: Yep. 38 kids, my entire school (7-12) fits on 4 School buses. Me: yeah, the pic is grainy and crap. My father always insists on messing with the settings on my camera even though he doesn't know what the hell he's doing. on a happier note, flower! lol, because I feel random xD Isn't it pretty? XD
Where's the traditional pic with everyone throwing their hat at the same time ??? :lol: And nice pics