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Middle School "Okays" Birth Control

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Soleil56, Dec 27, 2008.

  1. Roarbark

    Roarbark Level I

    Oct 15, 2007
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    Hawaii :)
    "I think sex education should of been way more than a talk before puberty and a talk about STD's."

    i agree, but i wish there was some way to tell the people who really need it from the people who dont need the whole sex ed. immersion. (I thought some parts of the class were a waste of time.)
  2. dreamlorde

    dreamlorde Level III

    Feb 17, 2007
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    Freakin retarded is what it is.

    There are two ways of looking at things like this.
    1) It's reality, so let's just roll with it. <----- moronic
    2) We created this reality. And it sucks. And it shouldn't be "tamed" or accepted or made more palatable, for anyone. <----- brilliant

    If reality is screwed up, then somewhere along the line we all screwed up. Let's figure out where and how we slipped and figure out a way to un-screw it.
  3. Fexxel

    Fexxel Level IV

    Jan 28, 2009
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    Dude, kids should be encouraged for healthy lifestyles- and not getting AIDS is part of that. They know we are going to have sex, so they figure they might as well keep us healthy. They are giving in. You are over complicating the situation...
    Also- if we made this reality we should have the right to aproach it as respectfully and safely as possable.
    Which ones worse: a kid who had sex, or a kid who had sex and got AIDS/Mono?!
  4. lizzeh

    lizzeh Newbie

    Feb 1, 2009
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    Why does no one seem to think that having sex itself is really a huge deal? It is a major thing and the first time can be very lovely or very traumatic.

    I think it is absolutely silly how people will say, "they're going to do it anyways... let's try and make sure they protect themselves!" This is totally the wrong way to think! This is approval of young children engaging in sex by way of apathy. They don't want to do the real work- be it proper parenting, aggressive sex education classes, etc. They just want to line the kids up and hand them condoms or pills and say, "have fun! Make sure you take your pill everyday or you'll be a mommy at 13!"

    No, no, no!

    If no one is willing to work on this problem, then we are all doomed. There's already a sad new generation of younger and younger mums. It's pathetic. It forces them to grow up early and lose their innocence completely. Why can't we educate them on the implications of sex, what can happen, what it does to your well being, etc.

    I am very afraid for the kids if the best response to the problem is more condoms, more pills and much less education/talk on the subject.
  5. dreamlorde

    dreamlorde Level III

    Feb 17, 2007
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    Exactly, lizzeh.... I wish I could take every parent with the lazy-*** attitude of "Well, it's happening anyway...." and slap them right across the mouth. Accept no responsibility for the way the world is and their children are.... grrr, I'm getting mad just thinking about it.

    And the kid before her, whatever your name is, I think a kid having sex and getting AIDS is better than a kid just having sex. Surprised? Well, not that you care, but let me explain:
    1) I don't think sex should be epidemic for kids at the age of 13, as it is now.
    2) The only reason for it NOT to happen is a consequence. That's why you don't curse at your boss, why you don't drive 120 miles an hour everywhere you go, why 30 year olds don't try to pick up sexy 15 year olds - because there are negative consequences for those actions.
    3) Our society is largely unwilling to parent anymore. Parents have now become simple "caretakers". Hence - "Here you go, kid. Have a condom. Be safe." Therefore, no consequences.
    4) AIDS is a natural negative consequence. If the mothers and fathers of America are too lazy or stupid to stand up to their children, to the media, and to other lazy parents, then AIDS is really the only instructor left.

    Enormous percentages of children having sex and getting AIDS should not equal "Give kids condoms so they can have disease-free sex". Only in this ridiculous country. It should equal "Why the hell are all these kids having sex? I'm outraged!"