i think the problem is that nobody really cares about what items they're getting just the profit they hold..people seem to be forgetting goals and there own missions and just want to push there banks up as high as they can..profit is all i can see most people caring about..what happened to the community?
Sadly I think the community part died when it got so large.. The chat boards just aren't the same anymore. The only place I can find decent chat these days is on Charter board. I used to chat in the BD Chat and AC, but I just can't stand it anymore. There's to much whining and begging going around. And if it's not whining or begging it's people flaming the whiners and the beggars. :/
why don't they devide it into different parts like in browsergames universes.... it would be so much fun if you can actually buy nice things by playing for 2 or 3 hours...
As far as the material orientation (well, as material as a virtual game can get...) goes, I'd agree. For example, on the pound chat people are just obsessed with getting WN Draiks/Krawks as a status symbol rather than actual pet they want as a pet. (I sometimes find myself needing to take a pause now and then to remind myself that my permies are the pets that I WANT, not what some stranger who stumbles upon my userlookup would find impressive.) And Niacin, I'd agree with you. I've stopped using the AC almost completely, it's just full of people begging to be lent free items on newbie shell accounts...
My problem with Neopets is it's popularity, fast paced to restock at the shops is an understatement haha... Please do not gravedig