I don't have any premade avatars, but I could make one out of any of my drawings if you want. Just PM me.
You are awesome...I still have some trouble using a tablet to draw (the cursor moves as I'm putting the pen to the tablet, or I'm shaky and I slip or something)...but you obviously have no trouble at all! Very, very nice work!! And I love the one of the tattooed woman.
Wow, this is incredible. She is kinda beautiful and kinda scary at the same time. I really do like this one.
Can I rent some talent please? Those are great! I love the first one of the cat. -is not cat insane... Is- I think I'll take my tablet and go cry in a corner for a while. Keep drawing!
Thanks again for all the compliments! Here's another (kinda messy) drawing I finished today, just thought I'd share and get some feedback from all you lovely people. And since everybody loves the cat so much, here's another cat I've drawn...
I like the latest pieces. The woman scares me. >_> The cat on the other hand is so cuddly. Great job again.
The eyes look a bit weird to me. And the lines around the mouth are very.. Harsh ? I don't really know how to say it.
Ditto, but it looks great for me since I'll never draw anything like that in my life *hates drawing x)*
Thanks to everybody for the opinions. Especially like the negative ones, since those are the ones that will help me draw better in the future. Here's an acrylic painting I did - bad colouring is due to the scanner, not me, although I wish I could paint in that straight a line.
Well, your style is not my very favourite (I prefer more plain and refined works)... but you surely have great skills with drawing. I like especially your animals... cats and dragons, their anatomy is really good! Instead I think you still have to improve your skills with human anatomy, but the depth of field and the perspective are yet good. The girl I like most is the one with the blue dress... she reminds me the character Stella of McGrath's Asylum <3 Anyway your particular style reminds me of Van Gogh and Munch, and I love them *__*
^^ That's pretty good. Like vinceraf also said, the anatomy of your drawings is what attracts me the most, this last piece you made sure shows that. Pity the quality isn't that good, but I still like it =)