I love your work, man. Especially that last acrylic painting. I like the style, though it's a pity the color got messed up. [though, if you ask me, I think the lines give it a great edge] and painting in a straight line ain't that hard. you could just cheat and use a ruler. We can't all be Mondriannes, now can we? Also, I really like the line drawings from your first post. That cat really caught my attention. it was done really well and I kind of have to disagree with that comment. I think your grasp of the human anatomy is quite incredible.
lol. that is so cool. I love the smoke. though what is she smoking? artistic critiscizm: I think her right shoulder is a tad too high and her hand [the way she holding the thing she is smoking] is in an odd position. it also looks like one of her nails is bent up away from the finger. none of this detracts from the picture though. it's really awesome. I wish I could draw as well as you
I really like that new one Only thing I don't like the is the nail of one finger, but that's just a small thing
Thanks for the critiques and compliments, guys. I'll try to pay more attention to the nails next time. This one is huge so I'll spoiler it, just pencil drawing. Spoiler
Wow, these are all amazing. They almost come to life. The cat stretching is my favorite though because it reminds me of my cat. Hope you draw more