confidence is the key indeed, which i lack. And weird part is...i'm a junior and i haven't gone out on any dates at all or even have a relationship. So my saying is... live life to the fullest even if you are missing the love life.
Shade you've got more guts than most of us here I myself will admit to liking some girl for like 3 years now xD We talk but not like actual friends but schools ending and it'd be too late now. So take any chances you can. Worst what happens is a slap and a few days of being laughed at. Best what can happen is the love of your life and once you find that. Its worth it
Im 18 and i've had my 2nd real girlfriend for 4 months now, I dont know why you'd wanna have one when you are 13, have fun being single get out to as many parties as you can get laid a few times, get drunk and forget about having a fickin gf.
lol i can agree on having more guts than some people but, after monday i just cant take being rejected again, i just cant stand it for some reason..... and i want to find the right girl now, so i can have the time of my life with her while im still a kid but i dont want to get laid until im married to that one girl but Soc why do you say that i have more guts than some people here
Well... time does matters... i got rejected by my current gf like 30+ times and finally we're together for 5 yrs now... XD so... dont give up if u DO REALLY likes/love her... or thinks SHE'S THE ONE for you...
lol well i dont know if shes the one but, shes so DAMN ADDICTING i just cant get enough of her smile, her eyes, her personality, and her beatifulness ive never felt so drawn to someone in my life
thats a pretty stupid idea. Lets all get drunk just so we all can get laid. Man, do you not understand the dangers in drinking....even if it is little amounts?
Live everyday like its your last day. If you use that principle do you understand the dangers in crossing the road? drinking water may have disease. you'd never do anything in life xD
That's just...too young. I can't really say that underage drinking is bad because I...partake occaisionally, but 13? At least wait until high school...or something.
why would you want to do that. Thats just plain stupid. You should just wait til you are in High school....13 is too young to start drinking
I am 13, I have had a sip of wine. That is all.. EVER. XD Anyway, Wait till your older.. I need to practice what I preach a lil, because I asked a girl out and she asked me to be her boyfriend.
Frickin hell has the whole world gone emo and straight edge? Thats what teenagers do.. drink, do drugs, stay out late, go to parties, kiss girls (OMGOSH!). I know the dangers of drinking and taking drugs but that never stopped me (smoking weed, doing ecstacy and speed) like SoC said you only live once Now your probablly thinking you're better than me, which chances are you're not.
i dont want to be insulting you but people who think like that need therapy. also, there could be younger members on the forum that are easily manipulated and by telling them that, you could ruin the rest of their life.
Guys dont argue xD Im sure the younger people are persuaded more by the TV tbh you both have sepaerate lives and believe seperate ways. I live the "only live once" way and just have fun but dont do something EXTREMELY stupid. Just do whatever makes YOU happy
yes, but i dont think that you are on drugs. i admit too, sometimes i just do stupid fun stuff but i think that drugs are just going way too far.
Id do lightweight stuff but never touch the serious stuff. xD And if u did the serious stuff you'd be "living zero " as you'd be dead. Anyway this is the LAST place to talk about things like that.
lmao im not gonna start drinkin i took my dads 1/2 coke 1/2 vodka, not knowing that it was his it sure as hell had a wierd taste