No surprise here, and IMO, well deserved. Congratulation to Lightning for the promotion ! In fact, I'm just making it official because he's been helping me quite alot for the past 8 months. He worked on the new auth system, the beta site as well as creating new programs. BTW, I'll continue doing my job here so unfortunately, you're still stuck with me XD Congrats Lightning !
Thanks everyone. I will continue to do the most I can for the forum. If you want to suggest anything, please feel free to PM me. And like tharoux said, he's still here, so don't get too excited .
Haha rise you got nothing to worry about there mate. I don't think Commy or I will ever be admins - purely because our knowledge of phpBB / coding in general is not up to a level that would benefit neofriends Commy maybe.. But me definitely not. So you're safe Lightning deserves the spot - him and Thar have done amazing work and spent alot of time lately on programs / fixing site bugs etc. Now with Lightning being able to assist with the actual site changes I can see neofriends becoming even better Very good decision to the admins who made it.
Ditto'd. Like I want to be tied down with the old ball and chain. I'll leave that to Lightning! Congratulations, glad to see another admin on board. I'm looking forward to seeing the future changes that our new admin can bring.
Just made a thread in the spam corner congratulating him. Didn't see this at all. Eww. Congratulations lightning! You've been doing a great job!
congratulations Lightning! I'm happy for you. You did a great job. Too bad I wasn't around to congratulate you. Sorry Hope admin powers are looking good on you x